КОС ОГСЭ.03 ТЭПС Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности 09.02.06 СиСа 2020-2021

Министерство образования, науки и молодежной политики Краснодарского края
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Кропоткинский техникум технологий и железнодорожного транспорта»

для проведения текущего контроля успеваемости и
промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачёта
по дисциплинеОГСЭ.03Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

по специальности среднего профессионального образования:
23.02.06 Техническая эксплуатация подвижного состава железных дорог




Методической комиссией гуманитарных И.о.директора ГБПОУ "КТТ и ЖТ"
жизнедеятельности и физической культуры _____________ /В.А.Шахбазян/
Протокол № 1 от «31» августа 2022 г.
Председатель МК_____ Л.М.Хаженцева/
Рассмотрен педагогическим советом
протокол №1 от «31» августа 2022 г.

Комплект оценочных средств по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
разработан на основе рабочей программы дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный
язык для специальности СПО 23.02.06 Техническая эксплуатация подвижного
состава железных дорог, разработанной преподавателем ГБПОУ «КТТ и ЖТ»
В.Б.Даниелян, в соответствии с положением № 3 «Об оценочных средствах для
текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в ГБПОУ «КТТ и ЖТ» (Приказ №
60/1 от 20.02.2015 г.), положением № 138 «О периодичности и порядке текущего
контроля успеваемости и промежуточной аттестации обучающихся в ГБПОУ«КТТ
и ЖТ» (Приказ № 372 от 31.08.2018 г.).
В.Б.Даниелян, преподаватель ГБПОУ «КТТ и ЖТ»



Квалификация по диплому:
Квалификация по диплому

1.Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств
1.1. Область применения комплекта оценочных средств
Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов освоения
учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03Английский язык.
1.2. Сводные данные об объектах оценивания, основных показателях
оценки, типах заданий, формах аттестации


Основные показатели оценки
результата и их критерии

Тип задания;
№ задания

- умение общаться
(устно и письменно)
профессиональные и
повседневные темы;
знание лексического

участие в беседе на английском
языке на темы повседневной
жизни, учебы, отдыха студентов,
знание речевого этикета,
осуществление запроса
информации, обращение за
разъяснениями, выражение
своего отношения.

индивидуальный и
нный зачёт

-умение переводить
иностранные тексты
знание лексического
чтения и перевода (со
иностранных текстов
пополнять словарный
чтения и перевода (со

чтение аутентичных текстов с
различной степенью охвата
содержания -просмотровым,
ознакомительным и изучающим,
извлечение нужной информации
из реклам, аннотаций,
инструкций и других источников
практического использования.

задания по работе контроль.
занятиях № 48-63

большого числа альтернативных
∙ навыки самостоятельного поиска
и обработки информации;
∙ использование компьютерной
сети Интернет;
∙ систематизация и адаптация
полученных данных;

индивидуальных и контроль;
групповых заданий
нный зачёт


(в соответствии
с учебным

нный зачёт

иностранных текстов

∙ обработка информации и
компьютерной презентации;
∙ практические навыки во всех
чтении, аудировании, говорении;
полученные данные и делать
сообщение по ходу работы над
ориентированные на деятельность

2. Комплект оценочных средств
2.1 Задания для проведения текущего контроля
Входной контроль по дисциплине (лексико-грамматический тест)
1. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
1. He has (больше) free time than I have.
а.more b. most c. better
2. (Лучше) late than never.
а.better b. best c. worse
3. This is the (самыйудобный) chair.
а.more comfortable b. most comfortable c. less comfortable
4. He plays tennis (хуже) than I do.
а.better b. worse c. worst
5. We have(меньше) flowers than they have.
а.less b. least c. fewer
6. We have(меньше) white paper than we have.
а.less b. least c. fewer
2. Выберите правильную форму недостающей части сказуемого:
1. Foreign languages are… by us.
а.studying b. study c. studied
2. Many books on art…published last year.
а.are b. was c. were
3. She is often…in the library.
а.saw b. seen c. sees
4. When…you born?
were b. did c. had
5. He… waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?
а.is b. had c. was
3. Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной
1. It rained hard yesterday.
а.does b. did c. was
2. You have to see a doctor.
а.are b. have c. do
3. She often goes on business to Moscow
а.is b. did c. does

4. They go to the disco on Saturdays.
а.have b. do c. am
5. These students combine studies and work.
а.will b.are c. do
6. When…you finish writing your report?
а.Have b. did c. are
7. What magazine …you looking through when I came in?
а.Did b. were c. have
8. …it still raining?- No, the rain has already stopped.
а.Is b. will c. does
4. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
1. Foreign languages (изучаются) by the students.
а.have learnt b. are learnt c. are learning
2. (Умеете) you play tennis?
а.must b. can c. may
3.I (несмогу) to help you.
а.shall not allowed b. shall not be able c. shall not have
4. They (должныбыли) to take part in the competition.
а.must be b. had c. had to be
5. He (сможет) go skiing.
а.will have to b. will allow c. will be able to
6. We (пришлось) to stay at home because it was raining.
а.were able to b. had to c. could
7. Do you speak (какой-нибудь) foreign language?
а.some b. any c. something
8. (Все) knows him.
а.everything b. somebody c. everybody
9. Did (кто-нибудь) ring me up?
а.somebody b. anybody c. anything
10. This project is the (самыйлучший) in our group.
а.better b. best c. worst
5. Выберитепарыслов- антонимов:
1. a. famous-unknown b. outstanding-good c. thick-white

2. a. to make progress- to forget b.to get light-to get dark c. to be born-to live
3. a. far-near b. happy-favourite c. to dance-to sing
4. a. to be well -to be untidy b. to ask-to answer c. to be glad-to be free
5. a. to read- to agree b. to miss classes-to attend classes c. to translate-to repeat
6. a. to make-to do b. a lot of-few, little c. to combine-to miss
7. a. to learn-to forget b. to do-to finish c. to ask-to discuss
6. Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами:
1. Glass… madefromsand
а.are b. is c. will
2. I… made some coffee. Would you like some?
а.have b. was c. am
3. This shopping center…built ten years ago.
а.are b. did c. was
4. The streets in this town…cleaned every day
have b. were c. are
5. …you finished your work?
а.are b. have c. do
6. John… go to Italy for a holiday tomorrow.
а.does b. have c. will
7. George and Linda are here. They… arrived.
а.have b. are c. did
8. She is Italian, but she… born in France.
а.is b. was c. has
9. Can you tell me how this word… pronounced.
а.has b. is c. was
10. He… lost his passport.
а.was b. does c. has
7. Для следующих предложений выберите английские эквиваленты:
1. В книжном шкафу много английских книг.
a. There are a few English books in the bookcase.
b. The English books are in the bookcase.
c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.
2. В нашем городе нет заводов.

a. There are some plants in our town.
b. There are not any plants in our town.
c. Those plants are not in our town.
3. Не выходите, пожалуйста.
a. Come in, please.
b. Don’t go out, please.
c. Let’ go out.
4. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.
a. Let’ answer their questions
b. Don’t answer their questions.
c. We are not answering their questions.
5. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.
a. Let’s send her a letter from her brother.
b. Let her send a letter to her brother.
c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.
6. Очемониговорят?
a. What book are they speaking about?
b. Are

they speaking English?

c. What are they speaking about?
8. Выберитесинонимы:
1. much (a. a lot of; b. few ; c. little; d. how much)
2. nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. brown)
3. big (a. large; b. nice; c. brown; d. class)
4. many ( a. much; b. few; c. little ; d. large)
9. Выберите соответствующие смыслу выражения:
1. Borishasnofather. His father is…
а.a worker; b. social work; c. absent ; d. dead
2. Ann… sport and she spends a lot of time on it.
а.is fond of; b. is present; c. is free; d. is dead
3. His mother is a pensioner… she is old.
а.or; b. but; c. because; d. only
4. We have no white bread. We have only… bread.
а.brown; b. yellow ; c. good; d. bad

5. …English in class!
а.open; b. speak; c. close; d. spell
1. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
1. Winter is the (самоехолодное) season in the year.
а. cold b. colder c. coldest
2. Take some other books because these stories are (слишком) easy for you.
а.much b. too c. more
3. He ( coбирается) to paint a picture
а.is fond of b. wants c. is going
4. It is not (тактепло) in autumn as in summer.
а.warmer than b. the warmest c. so warm
5. My daughter is (гораздомоложе) than she is.
а.less younger b. much younger c. youngest
6. (Необходимо) for you to help your friends.
а.It is possible b. Necessary c. It is necessary
2. Выберите правильную форму недостающей части сказуемого:
1. Foreign languages are… by us.
а.studying b. study c. studied
2. Many books on art…published last year.
а.are b. was c. were
3. She is often…in the library.
а.saw b. seen c. sees
4. When…you born?
а. were b. did c. had
5. He… waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?
а.is b. had c. was
3/Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной
1. When…you finish writing your report?
а.Have b. did c. are
2. What magazine …you looking through when I came in?
а.Did b. were c. have
3. …it still raining?- No, the rain has already stopped.

а.Is b. will c. does
4. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
1. This flat(менее) comfortable than ours.
а.worse b. least c. less
2. The 21st of June is the(самыйдлинный) day in the year.
а.warmer b. longer c. longest
3. Did you hear(что-нибудь) ?
а.everything b. something c. anything
4. He did not tell me (ничего).
а.nothing b. something c. anything
5. He rang(никому) up.
а.anybody b. nobody c. somebody
6. (Их) work is not interesting.
а.them b. theirs c. their
7. I can’t see(их).
а.them b. they c. their
8. I live in this house. There is a bus stop in front of (ним).
а.him b. it c. its
9. I have not met(его) sister.
а.his b. him c. its
10. I don’t hear(его).
а.him b. his c. he
5. Выберитепарыслов- антонимов:
1. a. to be well -to be untidy b. to ask-to answer c. to be glad-to be free
2. a. to read- to agree b. to miss classes-to attend classes c. to translate-to repeat
3. a. to make-to do b. a lot of-few, little c. to combine-to miss
4. a. to learn-to forget b. to do-to finish c. to ask-to discuss
6. Заполнитепропускивспомогательнымиглаголами:
1. John… go to Italy for a holiday tomorrow.
а.does b. have c. will
2. George and Linda are here. They… arrived.
а.have b. are c. did
3. She is Italian, but she… born in France.

а.is b. was c. has
4. Can you tell me how this word… pronounced.
а.has b. is c. was
5. He… lost his passport.
а.was b. does c. has
7. Для следующих предложений выберите английские эквиваленты:
1. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.
a. Let’ answer their questions
b. Don’t answer their questions.
c. We are not answering their questions.
2. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.
a. Let’s send her a letter from her brother.
b. Let her send a letter to her brother.
c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.
3. Очемониговорят?
a. What book are they speaking about?
b. Are

they speaking English?

c. What are they speaking about?
8. Выберитесинонимы:
1. much (a. a lot of; b. few ; c. little; d. how much)
2. nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. brown)
3. big (a. large; b. nice; c. brown; d. class)
4. many ( a. much; b. few; c. little ; d. large)
9. Выберитесоответствующиесмыслувыражения:
1. His mother is a pensioner… she is old.
а.or; b. but; c. because; d. only
2. We have no white bread. We have only… bread.
а.brown; b. yellow ; c. good; d. bad
3. …English in class!
а.open; b. speak; c. close; d. spell
Критерии оценки:
85-100% правильно выполненных заданий «отлично»
70 - 84% правильно выполненных заданий «хорошо»
55-69% правильно выполненных заданий «удовлетворительно»

50% и менее правильно выполненных заданий «неудовлетворительно»

Задания для текущего контроля

Тема 2. Описание людей.
Лексико-грамматическая работа№1
Вариант 1
Задание №1. Обведите кружком какая буква лишняя.

1) B, C, D, E, H, K, M, N, L, Q, J, P, S, W, V, Z.
2) I, Y, A, E, M, O, U.
Задание№2. Запиши буквы в алфавитном порядке.

1) W, B, R, L, F, D, Z, C, V, X, P, T, H, Q, N, K, J, G.
2) E, Y, A, U, I, O.
Задание№3. Напиши английский алфавит в обратном порядке.
Задание№4. Соедини стрелками заглавные и строчные буквы.
Y, R, M, H, T, N, Q, B, D, P
t, n, b, y, m, q, h, r, d, p
Задание№5. Впишите недостающие буквы.
Aa, B… , Cc, … d, Ee, F… , … g, H… , Ii, J… , Kk, L… , … m, Nn, … o, Pp, …q, Rr, S… , T , … u, Vv, W… ,
Xx, Y… , Z… .
Задание№6. Составьте не менее пяти слов из этих букв и запиши их.
P, S, I, h, g, b, x, L, m




Задание№7. Выберите и запишите слова, в которых есть звуки.
[ i ] , [ ᴂ ] , [ k ].
[ ᴂ ][ k ]Задание№8. Вставьтепропущенныебуквы.
H . s , b . d, s . t, skip, c . n, s . ng, b . g, c . t, h . t, p . g, c . p, b . t , f . t, .nd, z . br . , f . x , j . m, r . d , d.
g, .es, w. , th . y , n . m . , p . n , h . n , b . y .

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Вариант 2
Задание№1. Записать слова в транскрипции, обращая внимание на правила чтения.
1. sit [ … ]

11. nose [ … ]

2. cat [ … ]

12. Mike [ … ]

3. miss [ … ]

13. hit [ … ]

4. lame [ … ]

14. Dad [ … ]

5. back [ … ]

15. horn [ … ]

6. hat [ … ]

16. harm [ … ]

7.gave [ … ]

17. pile [ … ]

8. log [ … ]

18. cake [ … ]

9. tip [ … ]

19. fill [ … ]

10. nine [ … ]

20. face [ … ]

Задание№2. Протранскрибируйте следующие буквосочетания.
1. tenmiles [ … ]

6. a pale face [ … ]

2. go home [ … ]

7. I am sixteen [ … ]

3. take the pen [ … ]

8. this is a park. [ … ]

4. he is late [ … ]

9. she is from Russia [ … ]

5. it is fine [ … ]

10. we like our college [ … ]

1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.

4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа№1
Задание. Какой из двух гласных звуков звучит в каждом слове? Обведите кружком соответствующий
транскрипционный знак.
Kate [ei] - [Λ]

She [ i: ]- [ I ]

Jake [æ] - [ei]

My [ ai ]- [ei ]

Dave [ei]- [ə]

Friend [e ]- [ I ]

Jane [e]- [ ei ]

Yes [e ]- [ə]

lake [I]- [ei ]

Fred [ e ]- [ə]

cat [æ] - [a: ]

Ted [e ]-[ə]

Ann [a:]- [æ]

Hello [æ]- [e]

has [ æ ]- [ ə ]

Pam [æ]- [e ]

am [ æ ]- [e ]

from [o ]- [o: ]

and [a: ]- [æ]

Not [ o ]- [o: ]

fine [ ai ]- [ I ]

Son [ o: ]- [o ]

Mike [ei ]- [ai]

you [u: ]- [u ]

Tib [ i: ]- [ I ]

Doctor [ o: ]- [o ]

Billy [ I ]- [ I: ]

Rat [æ]- [a ]

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №2
Задание. Составьте предложения, обращая внимание на порядок слов в простом предложении.
1. morning , is , it.

5. Monday, it, is.

2. is, late, it, autumn.

6 .the sun, shining, is.

3. it, is, cool.

7. blue, is, the sky.

4.day, lovely , a, is, it.

8. the days, are, long.

9. red, is, the rose.

13. September, is, it, now.

10. the tiger, animal, is.

14. strong, is, the wind.

11. are, short, the night.

15 .I, like, summer.

12 .home, is, to go, it, time.
Нормы оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа№2
Вариант 1
Задание. Из слов правого столбца составьте безличные предложения, соответствующие русским.
1) Наулицетемно?
2) Когдасветитсолнце,

Is, in the street, dark, it.
when, shines, hot, the sun, it, very, here,

3) Есливыоткроетеокно,

you, open, it, be, cold, if, the window, will, here.

здесь будет холодно.
4) Когда становится темно,

it, dark, switchon, when, we, thelight, becomes.

мы включаем свет.
5) Когдастановитсясветло,

switch off we, when, light, it, the light, becomes.

мы включаем свет.
6) Вы любите когда идет дождь?
7) Вам трудно вставать рано утром?
8) В детстве я не любил, когда шел дождь.
9) Мненебудеттрудно

you, like, it, do, when, rains?
morning, it, in, for, is, you, difficult, to get up, early?
I, when, like, it, did not, rained, my, in, childhood.
will, it, for, to come, difficult, me, here,


not, early, be.

10) Мненравитсячитатьанглийские

to read, W. Sheakspeare, I, like, books.

книги В. Шекспира

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №3
Задание. Вставить в пропуски: thereis/ thereare.
1. … some apple juice in the glass

11. … four chairs behind the table.

2. … much milk in the cup.

12. … many coins in my collection.

3. … children in the room.

13. … three bees on the flower.

4. … ten boys in my room.

14. … no sweets on the table .

5. … a cat under the table.

15. … a lot of big houses in my collection.

6. … no sugar in my lea.

16. … a toy on the sofa.

7. … a puppy in the boy.

17. … four cars near the house.

8. … a picture on the wall.

18. … a policeman in the car.

9. … a lot of rivers in our country .

19. … girl in the shop.

10. … a woman near the window.

20. … a carpet on the floor.

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №3
Вариант 2
Задание. Напишите предложения обращая внимание на порядок слов в просто предложении.
1. a doctor/ she/ is.
2. Mary/ from/ is/ Kiev.

3. is/a table/ this.
4. they/ are/ students.
5. the weather/ fine/ is.
6. Tom/ two sisters/ has.
7. like/ apples/ we.
8. My/ yellow/ is/ dress.
9. they/ are/ young.
10.is/ dark/ it.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №1 (методические указания по выполнению самостоятельных работ)
Ознакомление с историей появления и развития английского языка. Повторение правил чтения согласных и
гласных. Выполнение упражнений из учебника.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все перечисленные требования к изложению,
оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Тема 3

Межличностные отношения.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №4

Задание. Составьте из следующих предложений вопросительную форму каждого предложения дайте
краткие ответы, и образуйте отрицательные предложения из них, используя сказуемое, выраженное
оборотом thereis.
1. There are four books on the table.
2. There is a chair near the window.

3. There are fifty hens on the farm.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №4
Задание№1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните простое сказуемое выраженное
оборотом thereis.
1. There is a telephone in that room.
2. There are many apple trees in the garden.
3. There was a meeting at the Institute yesterday.
4. There will be a party tomorrow evening.
5. There is a clock in our class room.
Задание№2. Составьте пять предложений на английском языке, используя простое сказуемое
выраженное оборотом thereis.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №5
Задание№1. Переведите на русский язык обращая внимание на именную часть сказуемого.
1. I am a student.

5. The room is in disorder.

2. They are workers.

6. He is against it.

3. It is she.

7. The glass is broken.

4. This book is yours.

8. The morning was warm.

9. Your duty is to help them immediately.

10. Her greatest pleasure was travelling.

Задание. Переведите на русский язык обращая внимание на сочетание модальных глаголов с
1. He may return soon.
2. You must read this book.
3. The conference is to open tomorrow.
4. I have to go there.
5. He can do it.
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №5
Задание. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и подчеркните его.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Mike is tall.

6. Collective farmers work hard in spring.

2. I am eighteen.

7. Winter is the coldest season in the year.

3. It is very nice in spring.

8. The days are shorter than in summer.

4. The sun is shining.

9. They have summer holidays.

5. We like to play volleyball.

10. Children do not work in the field.

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.

Лексико-грамматическая работа №6
Задание. Составьте предложения, найдите сказуемое, и подчеркните его и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. everybody, enjoyed, the film.

6. favorite, at school, my, subjects, are, Literature
and Maths.

2. well, examinations, his, passed, he.
7. have, in the morning, usually, I, breakfast.
3. go, to school, I, in the morning.
4. study, French, we.

8. sister, my, me, helps, often, very.
9. Sunday, it, evening, is.

5. mother, does not, my, know, Italian.
10. is, television, mother, watch
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №6
Задание. Подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое и переведите предложения.
1. Our family is large.

6. My mother’s name is Nina.

2. I have a mother is an architect.

7. She is a housewife.

3. My father is an architect.

8. One swallow does not make a summer.

4. He works in the factory.

9. A traveler came into the dinning-room.

5. He is 42.

10. There was a bright fire.

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №2 (методические указания по выполнению самостоятельных работ)
Подготовка рассказа на тему «О себе, моя семья» на основе вопросов

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все перечисленные требования к изложению,
оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.

Тема 4.Повседневная жизнь условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день
Лексико-грамматическая работа №7
Задание№1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественном числе, обращая внимание на
правила орфографии.

1. a pen

11. a table

2. a class

12. a window

3. a room

13. a plate

4. an assistant

14. a fox

5. a story

15. a plate

6. a road

16. a potato

7. a day

17. a knife

8. a cat

18. a play

9. a bush

19. a hero

10. a desk

20. a park

Задание №2. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе
соответствующие изменения в предложении.

1. Put the box on the shelf.

6. He left the key on the table.

2. Where is the brush?

7. Where is the knife?

3. I have hurt my foot.

8. The last leaf fell from the tree.

4. I like his new play.

9. This factory has a good laboratory.

5. This is a plate.

10. This story is very long.

Задание №3. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом , в единственном числе,
соответствующие изменения в предложении.
1. Women and children came to the library.
2. The keys to the boxes were lost
3. The wolves have been shot.
4. The mice were caught.
5. These factories produce furniture.
6. Copies of these letters will be sent to Kiev.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №7
Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в левую колонку, а не исчисляемые
существительные в правую колонку из данных слов.
Wool, air, airship, assistant, book, cat, paper, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, rat, cheese, happiness,
event, glass(стакан), fox, glass(стекло), hero, music, piano, gitar, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette,
box, coffee, sheep, coin, university, money, milk, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, tree, idea, ice-cream, furniture, chalk, juice, mouse, butter, hors, umbrella, ocean, tea, porridge.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №8
Задание. Образовать мн.ч. сущ., обращая внимание на правило составного существительного.
1. custom- house

2. man -of-war

3. hotel- keeper

7. woman- doctor

4. mother- in- law

8. schoolboy

5. passer- by

9. housewife

6. man- servant


1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №8
Задание №1. Из данной цепочки слов зачеркни неподходящее слово, обращая внимание на
собственные существительные.
The Volga, London, John Smith, the USA, I, the Russian Federation, Scotland, the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the
Thames, Pete, St, Petersburg, Mike, Wales, Tomas, W. Shakespeare, Washington D.C, Moscow.
Задание №2. Из данной цепочки слов зачеркни неподходящее слово, обращая внимание на
нарицательные имена существительные.
A boy, a book, a woman, an uncle, a bat, a cat, a map, a hand, a table, a river, a house, a street, a darkness, a window, Mr. Putin, a dog, a village, a fox, a country, a capital, a hat, a girl, a language, a water, a work.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа № 9
Задание. Поставить следующие предложения во мн. ч.
1. This is a spider.

3. This is a space film.

2. That is a snail.

4. That is a cartoon.

5. This is a star.
6. This is a boy.
7. This is a baby.
8. That is a plate.
9. That is a flower.
10. This is a sofa.
11. This is a bookcase.
12. This is a man.
13. That is a ball.
14.This is a train.
15. That is a bus stop.
16. This is a post office.
17. That is a railway station.
18. This is a plane.
19. That is a not a queen.
20. Thisisamouse.

Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №10
Задание№1. Задайте вопросы. Используйте Present Simple “ do/ does “
1. I work hard. And you?
2. We play tennis. And you?
3. He swims well. And you?
4. She speaks Spanish. And you ?
5. You live in London. And you?
Задание№2. Образуйте вопросительное предложение используя слова, стоящие в скобках.
1. I have lunch at home. ( where / you )
2. She watches TV every day ( how often / she )
3. They get up at 7.30. ( what time / they )
4. I go to work by bus. ( how / you )
5. You live in Krasnodar. ( where / you )
Задание№3. Выберите в подчеркнутых словах правильные времена глаголов группы Simple для
будущих событий.
1. We shall go / We are going to the theatre toning?
We have got 2 tickets
2. What will you do/ are you doing tomorrow evening?
Nothing .I am free
3. I shall go / I am going away tomorrow morning.
My train is at 8.40.
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.

3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №3 (методические указания по выполнению самостоятельных работ)
Написание эссе «День, который я не забуду никогда»
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все перечисленные требования к изложению,
оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.

Тема 5. Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни
Лексико-грамматическая работа №11
Задание№1. Напишите по-английски следующие даты.
1января 1985 года
23 февраля 1994 года
8 марта 1976 года
1 апреля 1961 года
9 мая 1945 года
Задание№2. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В вазе пятнадцать роз.
2. У меня есть два компьютера.
3. На остановке находятся тринадцать человек.
4. На дереве восемь птиц.
5. В коробке находится три колеса.
Задание№3. Напишите словами порядковые числительные от следующих количественных.
13, 41, 94, 118, 385, 6378.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.

3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №9
Задание№1. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В нашей комнате два стола.
2. В моей группе двадцать пять студентов.
3. У нас в саду две клумбы.
4. Наша квартира имеет четыре комнаты.
5. В моем городе три парка.
Задание№2. Напишите письменно число, месяц, год рождения вашего друга.

Задание№3. Напишите словами порядковые числительные от следущих количественных.
1, 21,34, 58, 93, 104, 303, 555.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №12
Задание. Напишите по английскому следующие даты
1) 31 марта 1950года
2) 22сентября 1948 года
3) 21 декабря 1946 года
4) 25 мая 1900 года
5) 20 августа 1973года
Условия выполнения задания
1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.
Критерии оценивания:

1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №10
Задание№1. Напишите словами следующие номера телефонов.
Задание№2. От следующих количественных числительных образуйте порядковые.
7, 17, 77, 777, 7777, 77777.
16, 38, 129;
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Лексико-грамматическая работа №13
Задание. Напишите словами из следующих порядковых числительных количественных.

24й26й28й31йКритерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа№11
Задание№1. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В нашей библиотеке есть двенадцать томов Пушкина.
2. В гнезде находится два птенца.
3. На столе восемь учебников.
4. В зоопарке находится восемьдесят три животных.
5. В нашем классе пятнадцать столов.
Задание№2. Напишите число, месяц, год рождения папы.
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все выше перечисленные требования к
изложению, оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.
3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.
Самостоятельная работа №4 (методические указания по выполнению самостоятельных работ)
Подготовка сообщения «В здоровом теле здоровый дух»
Критерии оценивания:
1) Оценка «5» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнены все перечисленные требования к изложению,
оформлению, и представлению работы.
2) Оценка «4» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в оформлении и
представлении работы.

3) Оценка «3» выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в содержании,
оформлении и представлении работы.
4) Оценка «2» ставится, если представленная работа не соответствует требованиям.

Задание 1
Прочитайте текст. Кратко изложите его содержание (5-6 предложений), выразив основную мысль
своими словами.
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
By Mario Heresco
Being one of the most visited towns and popular tourist destinations in the United Kingdom, Stratford-upon-Avon is not only full of history, it is also full of beauty.
The town owes much of its early stability to a bridge that provided a crossing point over the River
Avon, enabling trade. Its greatest prosperity, however, came in 1553 when it was granted its charter. This
began a thriving cottage and agriculture industry. Aside from agriculture, cottages and markets, the town of
Stratford has also been made wealthy from one of its best-known residents. William Shakespeare was not
only born here, he also remained here for a great deal of his life, eventually dying in Stratford. His burial
place continues to draw in as many visitors as do his plays.
Aside from the life of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon has a lot to share. The quaint
street of Henley is where visitors will find several buildings of importance such as Shakespeare’s birthplace, trust and library.
High Street is definitely worth a look. Not only does it offer a diversity of shopping possibilities,
many of the business are housed in buildings that come with their fair share of history. Crabtree and Evelyn for example, is situated in an old gaol that once had bars and held prisoners. On this same street you
will find the original home of the founder of Harvard University, John Harvard. His house dates back to
The Trinity Church dates back to pre-Shakespearian time to 1210 and remains Stratford’s oldest
building. This original church still offers sermons on a regular basis and continues to be the burial place of
William Shakespeare from 1616, as well as the resting place of his wife and daughter. Aside from beautiful
stained glass and biblical carvings, this stunning church offers visitors a. chance to see 26 seats from the
15th century, complete with mythical and secular carvings, as well as an original knocker from the 14 th century.
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы 1-5, выбрав правильный вариант A-D
Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt. To win, you must hit
the ball into the opponent’s court without the opponent being able to hit the ball back.
Tennis originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century. At first, people played tennis on
courts made of grass! These were called “lawn courts”. Now, tennis is played by millions of people all over
the World. The rules of tennis have changed very little since it was created in the 1890’s.
Most tennis players play tennis because it is fun. It also is a good way to get exercise. While playing tennis, you do a lot of running. You move your arms and legs in many ways that they do not normally

1. What do you use to hit a tennis ball?
A a bat
Вa striker

Сa racket
D none of the above
2. _______ people can play tennis at once.
A One
D Both Вand С
3. Where did tennis originate in?
A Australia
СThe United States
D The United Kingdom
4. When did people start playing tennis?
A The late 18th century.
ВThe late 19th century.
СThe late 1800s.
D Both Вand C.
5. Why do most people play tennis?
A Because it is fun.
В Because they want to win.
С Because they don’t have a basketball.
D Both A and В






Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1- 6, следующие за ним
The Superstar
The football star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5,1985 on the island of Madeira, which is
a few hundred miles south-west of Portugal. He grew up in a small house in the city of Funchal and began
playing football for a youth team in Madeira, where his dad was the team’s equipment manager. Cristiano
Ronaldo was a huge football star on the Island but he moved 600 miles to Lisbon when he was just 12
years old to play for Sporting Lisbon’s youth team. The move was a difficult one for Cristiano, since he
was away from his family and many of his teammates made fun of his Madeiran accent.
While some kids chose to tease Cristiano about his accent, no one was teasing him about his football skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touch made him a teenage star. He played his first game
for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17 and quickly became known as one of
the most exciting young football players in the world.
Cristiano Ronaldo’s talent caught the eye of Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, who
bought him from Sporting Lisbon for $20 million US! Cristiano Ronaldo has had success playing for both
Manchester United and for Portugal. He scored the opening goal for Manchester in their 2004 FA Cup vic-

tory and helped Portugal advance in the finals at Euro 2004. His fabulous footwork and good looks have
now made Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most popular players in Europe. The teenage millionaire now
wears number seven, the number of former Manchester star, David Beckham.


Madeira is an island to the _______________________________________.
In 1997 Cristiano Ronaldo moved to _______________________________.
Cristiano missed his____________________________________________.
Alex Ferguson was _____________________________________________.
In Euro 2004, Cristiano Ronaldo showed ____________________________.
Cristiano is one of the ___________________________________________.

Тема 10. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14 соответствуют
содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть
на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3–Notstated).
Why Some Don’t Care About Their Appearance
Despite the extremely superficial nature of this society there are still people who are able to avoid
the notion that you have to adapt to a particular standard of beauty mainly because they are comfortable in
their own skin. To outsiders it might appear that these individuals don’t care at all what they look like
when the reality is that they simply have different priorities, and so even if their appearance doesn’t feature
very highly on their list it doesn’t mean that they give no consideration to their appearance whatsoever.
For some individuals appearance is extremely important because it gives them an edge. They may
already feel confidence when they are with colleagues and friends, but looking good gives them the extra
boost they need.
Other people don’t attribute that much importance to appearances, especially if they have a laidback attitude, are confident in themselves, and don’t have a job which requires power-dressing. This
doesn’t mean they don’t care about their appearance; just that they have better things to do with their time
than dressing up when all they are going to do is sit behind a desk all day.
Some people do care about their appearance, although it may not look that way to others. There are
individuals who possess their own unique sense of style, which might entail showing off their tattoos and
piercings, as well as wearing clothes which don’t seem to go together and look rather scruffy. However,
these individuals may well belong to their own ‘tribe’ and this is their uniform. As far as their fellow
‘members’ are concerned they are one of them, and are dressed to reflect this. The rest of the world might
think these individuals don’t care about their appearance, but usually the opposite is true.
Of course, there are those who really don’t care what they look like, and usually justifiably so. If
you’re homeless, have a drink or drug problem, or a mental health issue, you can be forgiven for not making your appearance a priority.
Unfortunately, everybody is judged by their appearance in this society, so that if you don’t fit in
with what is expected you are usually written off as being a bit weird. Everybody has their ups and downs,
though, and surely nobody spends every second of their life trying to look their best. There are occasions
when you’re sick or are grieving and feel down, so that the last thing on your mind is your appearance. Only the people closest to you are able to judge if you are ‘yourself’ or not, though, since strangers see you
for a split second without comprehending how you are feeling at any given moment.
Most people do care about their appearance when they are in good spirits and things are going well
in their life because they want to demonstrate that they belong to this society, which generally means conforming to certain standards in terms of their appearance. There may be some who decide to ignore convention, but these tend to be in the minority, while very few individuals don’t care at all what others think
about the way they look.

Some people don’t care about their looks as they find it unimportant.
1) True


3) Not stated

For some people good appearance means additional points in their salary.
1) True


2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

There are people who think dressing up is useless for their job.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 10

Tattoos and piercings can be taken as a sign of haut couture.
1) True

A 11

3) Not stated

2) False

3) Not stated

Only strangers can make a just decision about your look.
1) True

A 14

2) False

Men are usually preoccupied by bigger problems than appearance.
1) True

A 13

3) Not stated

Some people don’t look proper but the same as their friends.
1) True

A 12

2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

Few people are inattentive to the norms of appearance in society.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


A7 –1; A8 – 3; A9 – 1; A10 – 2; A11 – 1; A12 – 3; A13 – 2; A14 – 1.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

How to Change Your _______ Name and Appearance
________ your character’s appearance, open the console by
pressing ~, which ______ in the top left corner of standard
North American keyboards. ______ showrace menu in the
console and hit Enter. This will pull up the character creation
screen that you saw when you first ______ your character.
Press the ~ again to close the console so that you can start
_______ changes.
You can change anything about your character’s appearance,
______ your gender, but you can’t change your character’s
race without _______ your stats (Magicka, Health, Stamina,
skills, and sometimes your level). When you are done, just select ‘Done’. You _______ to re-enter your character’s name
and the game will resume.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически

соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.




There’s a lot of truth to the old ______, “Beauty is only skin
deep.” When they are in their prime, physically beautiful people often have no trouble attracting opportunities. They are
often the envy of their peers, who perceive that they live _____
lives and don’t have to deal with the problems that more ordinary-looking people do. But the cruel fact of the matter is that
a person’s appearance is always changing, and usually not for
the better. For that reason and several others, I think
a person’s _______ is ultimately much more important than
their appearance. However, that doesn’t mean that maintaining one’s appearance is not important.
Being good looking and taking pride in one’s appearance can
be very worthwhile. I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing for a
person to pay attention to their ______ and dress, particularly
when their aim is to impress someone. There’s no doubt that
being attractive and _______ will help a person get noticed
and make it more likely that they will be given that chance to
impress. Many people are turned off by those who are dirty
and ______, or obviously don’t take any pride in their appearance.





B4 – Character’s;B5 – To change; B6 – is located; B7 – Type; B8 – created; B9 – making; B10 – including; B11 – messing up; B12 – will be prompted.

B13 – saying; B14 – charmed; B15 – personality; B16 – grooming; B17 – appealing; B18 – unkempt.

Критерии оценки:
«Отлично»- 10 правильных утверждений
«Хорошо» - не менее 8 правильных утверждений
«Удовлетворительно» - не менее 6 правильных утверждений
«Неудовлетворительно» - менее 6 правильных утверждений

Тема 16 . Искусство и развлечения.
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14 соответствуют
содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть
на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3–Notstated).

I try to follow the rule ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’. But the thing I’ve realized is that a lot
less seems to bother me than bothers girls. If a girl told me something like ‘I really like you but you’re in a
dead end job and I am accustomed to a more expensive lifestyle therefore I wouldn’t compromise.’ I would
just say okay.
I don’t know, but the way I am, I prefer if people tell me the truth like that so at least I know what’s wrong
and maybe I can do better next time. However with girls I noticed telling the truth gets me hated. Girls call
me rude and everything. I started lying to girls in college recently and I managed to get back relations pretty easily so I can imagine why lots of guys do it. The interesting thing is the girls seem to suspect that I’m
lying but they still smile and go along with it anyway. Telling girls what they want to hear gets me much
further than I used to get. I always had difficulty lying to people because of my morals but these results are
astonishing. Women always shun me for telling the cold hard truth so I didn’t know what to do. So I just
started doing what got results.


The guy tries to follow his own rule.
1) True


3) Not stated

Girls don’t worry much about many things as the guy thinks..
1) True


2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

Many girls told him that they prefer a more expensive lifestyle.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 10If a girl explains her choice to date or not, the guy just submits.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 11 The guy likes being told what the real matter is.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 12 All girls like the truth about them as the guy finds it..
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 13 Girls find the guy rude as he tells openly his opinion.
1) True

A 14

3) Not stated

Telling lies makes all business with girls easier according to the guy’s opinion.
1) True


2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

A7 –3; A8 – 1; A9 – 3; A10 – 1; A11 – 1; A12 – 2; A13 – 1; A14 – 1.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.


People these days don’t have time to meet people, but they still
_____ to have friends or even dates. The trendy new option is
_____ a Partner for the day, evening or even for the weekend
_____ to ding invitations or to get together to office. You may
also spend the whole nights out and even take a trip abroad for
the week-end or _____.
Men and ______ are using our services as it is an easer and safer way of getting a perfect Partner without _____ time. All our
Partners or normal people that _____ and qualified through our
professional staff before we add them to our portfolio. People
____ Perfect Partner Time Jobs UK for many years not only for
their looks but for their intelligence, good manners and sense of
humor. You are sure to have the _________ time possible with



Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.



Every child comes into this world like wet clay, completely
without any habits and ______ patterns. Socializing is the
process by which a child makes himself and learns the process
of _________ and surviving in society. There are various key
factors that influence this process – the family, the peers, the
school, society and ______ beliefs. The first point of contact to
the child and also the most ______ factor is always the family.
The ethics and behaviour that is followed at home is always
copied ________ by the child. Parents are generally role models
for children. Hence the socializing skills are passed on in most
cases to the offspring. Elder children are also a source of influence. It is because of this reason that in the joint family
system that existed previously in India, the ____ were always
better adjusted to society.



B4 – would like; B5 – to hire; B6 – to escort; B7 – longer; B8 – women; B9 – spending; B10 - are taught;
B11 – have been choosing; B12 – best.
B13 – behavioural; B14 – interacting; B15 – religious; B16 – important; B17 – unconsciously; B18 – children.

Тема5. Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст. Кратко изложите его содержание (5-6 предложений), выразив основную мысль
своими словами.
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
By Mario Heresco
Being one of the most visited towns and popular tourist destinations in the United Kingdom, Stratford-upon-Avon is not only full of history, it is also full of beauty.
The town owes much of its early stability to a bridge that provided a crossing point over the River
Avon, enabling trade. Its greatest prosperity, however, came in 1553 when it was granted its charter. This
began a thriving cottage and agriculture industry. Aside from agriculture, cottages and markets, the town of
Stratford has also been made wealthy from one of its best-known residents. William Shakespeare was not
only born here, he also remained here for a great deal of his life, eventually dying in Stratford. His burial
place continues to draw in as many visitors as do his plays.
Aside from the life of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon has a lot to share. The quaint
street of Henley is where visitors will find several buildings of importance such as Shakespeare’s birthplace, trust and library.
High Street is definitely worth a look. Not only does it offer a diversity of shopping possibilities,
many of the business are housed in buildings that come with their fair share of history. Crabtree and Evelyn for example, is situated in an old gaol that once had bars and held prisoners. On this same street you
will find the original home of the founder of Harvard University, John Harvard. His house dates back to
The Trinity Church dates back to pre-Shakespearian time to 1210 and remains Stratford’s oldest
building. This original church still offers sermons on a regular basis and continues to be the burial place of
William Shakespeare from 1616, as well as the resting place of his wife and daughter. Aside from beautiful
stained glass and biblical carvings, this stunning church offers visitors a. chance to see 26 seats from the
15th century, complete with mythical and secular carvings, as well as an original knocker from the 14 th century.
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы 1-5, выбрав правильный вариант A-D
Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt. To win, you must hit
the ball into the opponent’s court without the opponent being able to hit the ball back.
Tennis originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century. At first, people played tennis on
courts made of grass! These were called “lawn courts”. Now, tennis is played by millions of people all over
the World. The rules of tennis have changed very little since it was created in the 1890’s.
Most tennis players play tennis because it is fun. It also is a good way to get exercise. While playing tennis, you do a lot of running. You move your arms and legs in many ways that they do not normally

1. What do you use to hit a tennis ball?
A a bat
Вa striker
Сa racket
D none of the above
2. _______ people can play tennis at once.
A One
D Both Вand С
3. Where did tennis originate in?
A Australia
СThe United States
D The United Kingdom
4. When did people start playing tennis?
A The late 18th century.
ВThe late 19th century.
СThe late 1800s.
D Both Вand C.
5. Why do most people play tennis?
A Because it is fun.
В Because they want to win.
С Because they don’t have a basketball.
D Both A and В






Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1- 6, следующие за ним
The Superstar
The football star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5,1985 on the island of Madeira, which is
a few hundred miles south-west of Portugal. He grew up in a small house in the city of Funchal and began
playing football for a youth team in Madeira, where his dad was the team’s equipment manager. Cristiano
Ronaldo was a huge football star on the Island but he moved 600 miles to Lisbon when he was just 12
years old to play for Sporting Lisbon’s youth team. The move was a difficult one for Cristiano, since he
was away from his family and many of his teammates made fun of his Madeiran accent.

While some kids chose to tease Cristiano about his accent, no one was teasing him about his football skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touch made him a teenage star. He played his first game
for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17 and quickly became known as one of
the most exciting young football players in the world.
Cristiano Ronaldo’s talent caught the eye of Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, who
bought him from Sporting Lisbon for $20 million US! Cristiano Ronaldo has had success playing for both
Manchester United and for Portugal. He scored the opening goal for Manchester in their 2004 FA Cup victory and helped Portugal advance in the finals at Euro 2004. His fabulous footwork and good looks have
now made Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most popular players in Europe. The teenage millionaire now
wears number seven, the number of former Manchester star, David Beckham.

7. Madeira is an island to the _______________________________________.
8. In 1997 Cristiano Ronaldo moved to _______________________________.
9. Cristiano missed his____________________________________________.
10. Alex Ferguson was _____________________________________________.
11. In Euro 2004, Cristiano Ronaldo showed ____________________________.
12. Cristiano is one of the ___________________________________________.
Тема 8. Новости, средства массовой информации
Задание 1
Установите соответствие тем А - G текстам 1 - 6 . Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. In just a few years mobile phones have become a common sight everywhere. Walk past any cafe and
you will see people chatting on their phones or sending text messages. However, some people are
concerned that the signals these phones send out may be bad for our health. They worry that holding a mobile close to your head might have an effect on your brain. So, it may be a good idea to use
your ordinary phone when you can.
2. We learn a lot by reading, but what if you can’t see the words on the page? Many blind people can
read braille. Braille is a system of writing using raised dots on the page that you can feel with your
fingers. A Frenchman called Louis Braille invented it in 1821, when he was just 12 years old. His
system makes life easier for many thousands of blind people all over the world.
3. When we talk to someone, only a small part of ourmeaning is in what wе say. Some people say that
as little as 7% of our message is contained in our words. We use our hands to express ourselves and
we use our faces to show that we are listening or to show how we feel. Our faces and our hands can
also show things that we might want to hide, like the fact that we are lying, for example.
4. People can now use the Internet and e-mail to communicate with each other cheaply and quickly.
Twenty years ago, however, this wasn't possible. In those days in Britain, some people used amateur radio to contact people all over the country and even around the world. They had special radios
in their houses that sent out radio signals. They contacted each other to exchange news about their
lives and about the weather, or even to play games such as chess.
5. One of the most interesting types of radio programme is radio drama. Although some radio stations
only broadcast music, some also produce plays for their listeners. Many people prefer listening to a
play on the radio to watching it on TV because they can be more creative. On TV, the programmemakers decide exactly what a place or a person looks like. On radio, though, you can imagine it any
way you like.
6. Before the invention of radio, it was almost impossible to communicate over large distances. The
only way to communicate with people far away was to send a message or a letter with a person.
People lit fires on hills as a signal to each other, but it wasn't a very good way of communicating. It

was very difficult to find out what was happening in distant places and news often took weeks or
even months to travel around the world.
№ текста








Тема 7. Досуг
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст о знаменитой британской рок группе
The Kinks axe a group from London which became big in the mid-1960s. They have been together
since 1963;,Only The Rolling Stones have been together as an active rock and roll band for a longer time they formed one year before in 1962.
The original band was Ray Davies (lead singer and rhythm guitar), his brother Dave (lead guitar
and vocals), Mick Avory (drums) and Pete Quaife (bass). They were first called The Ravens but later they
changed their name to The Kinks. However, they did much more than writing and playing nice pop songs.
As a songwriter, Ray Davies has always been intelligent and very observant about everyday life. He uses
many different styles of music. His brother Dave has also been a fine guitar player from the beginning.
Their first style of music was a hard-rock style, like in their hit You Really Got Me' (1964). Today many
people think that this song is the first example of heavy metal.
During a BBC interview at the beginning of their career, the presenter of the programme asked
Dave, Why does the group like having long hair?' He answered, 'Girls like men to have long hair these
days. The same interviewer then asked Dave's brother, “What do you need to have a successful hit record?'
Ray replied, It has to be original, honest and be exactly what the kids want'. The presenter of the show
liked the honesty and friendliness of the group.
The Kinks were part of a 'British rock invasion' with other famous groups like The Who, The Beatles
and The Rolling Stones but they never copied their ideas about music or their style from other bands; they
basically 'did their own thing'. Ray wrote funny songs such as 'A Well-Respected Man' and 'Dedicated Follower of Fashion' and in the late 1960s the group tried using Indian music and other different styles. At this
time the group suffered its worst experiences because they did not enjoy the same success as before. There
were some bad feelings among the members of the group because of personal and musical differences. But
things got better and in the 1970s The Kinks were very popular when they toured the USA.
In the 1970s and 1980s, many younger groups got their ideas from the band's energetic sound and
good songs; groups like The Jam, Madness and The Pretenders. In fact. The Pretenders' first hit single 'Stop
Your Sobbing' was a copy of an old Kinks song. The Kinks changed from having a small number of fans in
the late 1960s to being very big rock stars during the 1970s and 1980s.
On the day before they entered the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Ray said that the best thing for
himself and the group was the support of their fans. He really wanted to thank his fans for accepting all the
members of The Kinh as people and for believing in them.
Обозначьте утверждения как верные (true) и неверные (false)

The Kinks started as a band before the Rolling Stones.
The band is still active today.
The group was called The Kinks in the beginning.
Nearly all their songs sounded the same or similar.
They weren’t friendly to the TV presenter who wanted to interview them.
The words of Ray’s songs were not always very serious.
The group never had any problems selling records or with each other.
Their tours of the USA in the 1970s were successful.
Many younger groups were influenced by The Kinks.

Ответьте на вопросы
1. What two types of music are mentioned in connection with the song ‘You Really Got Me’?
2. What qualities made The Kinks a really special group in the beginning?


In the interview, why did The Kinks say they like to have long hair?
According to Ray, what was necessary to make a special hit record?
What two things caused some of the problems among members of the group in the late 1960s?
What image did The Kinks have in the 1960s and what was their ‘new’ image during the 1970s and
7. For what two reasons does Ray express his thanks to his fans?

Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.


Nowadays, modern music ______ all over the world and



having a strong effect on the young. Music in the clubs or



discotheques such as rap and rock music often _____ loud ____,
and some songs even have violent lyrics which can have a bad influence on young people. This kind of music affects their spirit
negatively. With bad words and ______ ideas such as doomsday or
the end of the world, sacrifice in love, and loss of religious _____;
these songs make young people frightened and unable to control
______. For example, you might _______ that some young people
killed themselves some years ago after _____ to a song by Michael
Jackson about doomsday. This song has an extremely unfortunate
effect on some young people. They couldn’t control themselves
and wanted to kill themselves and _____.




Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.


In my opinion, the TV and movie _______ industry should



control the amount of crude or foul language in their programs.
_______ the use of crude, foul language on TV programs and in
the movies has been increasing. Young children or teenagers
can be affected by ______ to this bad language. In the case of
very young people, they sometimes hear the words and use
them even though they don't really know what they mean. For
example, one day a four-year old boy I know well used bad language when he spoke to me. I was surprised, and I asked him if
he knew the _______ of what he was saying. Of course, he didn't. Then when he uses these words, other children hear them
and also speak out the same words. After that, I decided to carefully choose programs for my nephew. I think I have to do it
because I don’t want him to be negatively affected by TV. Parents and others find this language _____ , too.






In my opinion, the TV and movie entertainment industry
should control the amount of crude language in their programs.
I think it’s the best way to protect the ______ from being exposed to such language.


B4 – is spreading; B5 – contains; B6 – lyrics; B7 – depressing; B8 – beliefs; B9 – themselves; B10 – listening; B10 – remember B11 – listening; B12 – others.

B13 – entertainment; B14 – Recently; B15 – exposure; B16 – meanings; B17 – objectionable; B18 – youth.

Тема 15 Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-7, выбрав правильный вариант ответа A, B или С

Cell Mania
Walk down the hallway of any high school and you see them everywhere. Flip through a teen magazine or watch a prime time television show and you can’t miss advertisements telling us to buy one. I’m
talking about cell phones, of course. These gadgets are taking the world by storm and re-inventing the way
teens communicate.
Stephanie Binder, 16, says her parents pay the phone bill and that she has unlimited time on weekends, so she seems to never stop talking. For others, cell phones make it easier to get in contact with
friends. “On Friday nights, when you’re trying to plan things with your friends, cells make it all so much
easier,” says Micki Barram, 18.
Why have cell phones become so popular for teens? Joe Penn, 17, has a theory to explain why cell
phones hold so much attraction for young people. “They’ve kind of replaced cigarettes,” he says. “They
make you seem older, more like an adult.” According to Penn, teens want to look successful and grown up.
Having a cell phone is a big part of that image. And as anyone in marketing will tell you, phone holders
and trendy bags with cell phone pockets are must-haves among young people. The high-tech materials and
bright colours they are made of have a certain cool factor for teens. According to Barram, girls especially
like the stylish look of cells. “For us it’s more of an accessory, like a watch or an earring,” she says.
But not all young people are caught up in cell mania. David Goodtree, 15, is strictly against owning
one. “Cell phones totally dominate people’s lives,” he says. “Most of my classmates have them on all the
time, even when they’re not supposed to, like during classes and in cinemas. It’s very irritating,” Goodtree
adds, shaking his head.
Many parents are only too happy to pay for the newest cell phone model for their kids because it
means they can always check up on where their children are. “Where are the kids?” is a question no mum
ever needs to ask when she can just dial a number to find out. In fact, whole families are now becoming

1. You see advertisements for cell phones...
A in high schools.

Вin TV shows.
C in the apartment hallways
2. Cell phones make it easier for teens to...
A plan activities with their friends.
Вhave lots of free time on weekends.
Сpay their phone bills.
3. Cell phones are attractive for young people because...
A they are cheaper than cigarettes.
Вthey make teenagers seem grown up.
Сyou can wear one on your arm like a watch.
4. More girls than boys...
A buy cell phones.
Вhave phone holders.
C think trendy cells look cool.
5. David Goodtree...
A is crazy about cell phones, too.
Вwould like to own a cell.
Сthinks cells are not a good thing.
6. It’s OK to use cell phones...
A at school.
Вin the cinema.
Сat home.
7. Parents often use cell phones because….
A they can find out where their children are
B they like the stylish models, too.
C they are not so expensive.







Задание 1
Прочитайте информацию для туристов с Интернет сайта об историческом городе Стратфорд на
Эйвоне в Англии. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои
ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний

A What to do
В How to get then?
С A brief history of the town
D Significant buildings

E Why Stratford is famous
F Places to stay

1. Stratford-upon-Avon is set in the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river
Avon. The town is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Britain. Known as the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford has much to offer the visitor. In the pedestrianised part of the town centre you
will find a lovely house and neat garden surrounded by a small wood, where Shakespeare was born in 1564.
The life and times of Shakespeare can be experienced in this little town.
2. There are many treasures a visitor will find strolling about the town. In Church Street you will find the
grammar school where Shakespeare was educated. Nash House and New Place, where he lived from 1597
until his death in 1616 are nearby. Another famous home and perhaps one of the most photographed cottages in England is Anne Hathaway’s cottage, where she lived before marrying Shakespeare in 1582. A trip
to Stratford would not be complete without taking a short stroll to Ноlу Trinity Church, where William
Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway are buried.
3. The Avon River adds greatly to the picturesque setting of Stratford. It's a great spot for a picnic, where
you can watch the swans and tour boats glide by. Take a traditional ferry boat ride across the river to enjoy
a riverside walk with open-air entertainers and much more. Appreciate the works of Shakespeare live at the
famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre on the river. A dinner cruise is another delightful way to spend the
4. A visitor to Stratford will find a wide variety of accommodation: everything from hotels and a youth
hostel in town to countryside farmhouses. There are various tour companies available to guide you around
town. Restaurants, pubs and teahouses are scattered about the town that cater to every taste. Stop by the
tourist information centre for information on what Stratford has to offer.
5. You can visit Stratford by car (one hour’s drive from London) and the town has two large car parks
available. Another option is by coach, in which case you can also book a one day package tour from London. British Rail provides services from London and other locations around Britain to Stratford. The train
station is conveniently located in the centre of town, a short walk from the tourist information centre,
where you can plan an unforgettable visit to Stratford-upon-Avon.











Задание 2
Прочитайте информацию, которую учитель дает учащимся, впервые собирающимся в круиз по
реке Темзе в Лондоне. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть
один лишний заголовок.
A An unusual view of London
В A sailor and his ship
С Understanding the river
D A home to kings
E Student sportsmen

F Understanding students

1. As you know, we are going on a river cruise on the Thames this afternoon. I would like to give you
some information before we set off for central London. The Thames is the most famous river in England
and is full of history. The river is tidal which means that if we travel with the flow of the water in the centre of the river we can go quite fast. For larger vessels, however, if they travel against the flow of the river,
they may double their journey time. The level of water also changes according to the tides.
2. The Thames is also home to the Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities which takes
place every spring. It is a very popular race with about a quarter of a million people watching from the
banks of the river. The two teams race against each other by rowing their boats from Putney to Mortlake.
However, they have to take into consideration how fast and rough the water is in the middle of the river.
Sometimes you can go faster when you're not taking advantage of the centre current if it is too strong.
3. The Thames harbours some historic vessels. The one we're going to see today is a replica of the Golden
Hind, a 16th century ship captained by Francis Drake. It is believed to be the first English ship to have
sailed around the world, a remarkable feat considering how small the ship was. It was on this ship Francis
Drake was knighted 'Sir Francis Drake' by Queen Elizabeth I.
4. Another famous attraction is the London Eye. It looks just like a big wheel that you find in a fairground.
Basically, it is an observation wheel that revolves. The only difference is that you stand in capsules which
go around with the 'Eye'. It is 135 metres high which means that when your capsule gets to the top, you
have the most wonderful panorama of the River Thames and London itself.
5. We will also be able to see the Tower of London which is a famous historic landmark. This building has
been a fortress, a royal palace and even a prison - for people of status and royalty, of course. However, the
Tower of London is also well-known for two other important reasons. The first is that it has housed the
Crown Jewels since 1303. The second reason is the ravens that live at the Tower. It is said that if the ravens
ever leave the Tower, the British monarchy and kingdom.












Задание 3
Прочитайте текст об отдыхе в Болгарии.
For holiday-makers who wish to try something new without spending too much money, Bulgaria is
a very interesting country. It is a country which has changed very quickly over the last decade and today
we can see a modern and progressive country. It has become a very popular holiday destination for British
tourists thanks to the diversity of the country; it has dramatic mountains, popular beaches by the Black Sea,
castles and palaces as well as some impressive Roman ruins. The food is delicious and not very expensive
and the coffee is excellent. But the biggest thing which attracts more tourists is the wonderful hospitality of
the Bulgarians.
Sofia is a very interesting capital city with an unusual mix of different architectural styles. A lot of
Sofia was destroyed but it was rebuilt after World War Two. However, one or two 14th century buildings
survived the war. A large mountain called Mount Vitosha can be seen from many streets in the city and this
is a popular place for skiing and trekking. The mountain can be easily reached by local bus. Another popular city to visit is Varna because it has lovely beaches, but these can be busy during the summer months.
About 8% of the population is of Turkish origin and this can be seen in Bulgaria's typical meals and
traditional music. There are many colourful festivals in different regions of the country that are exciting to

The weather in Bulgaria is temperate with cold, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Spring is probably the best time to visit as the weather is mild and lots of cultural events take place.
The typical diet in this country is meat, potatoes and beans, and meals almost always come with
salads. You can also find kebabs and pizzas in many fast-food restaurants at very good prices.
As I have mentioned, the Bulgarian people are extremely friendly and open. Their hospitality towards foreigners is excellent. It is also interesting to watch how Bulgarians communicate, in particular the
fact that they nod their heads to say no and they shake their heads to say yes. This can be very confusing at
first but people adapt to it after a while.
All things considered, Bulgaria is really an experience I will never forget.
Завершите предложения, выбрав a), b) или c)
1. Bulgaria has changed
a) only a little. b) a reasonable amount. c) a lot in recent years.
2.The thing which brings most people to Bulgaria is
a) the Roman ruins. b) the coffee. c) the people.
3. Sofia
a) didn’t suffer damage during the war.
b) suffered a lot of damage.
c) suffered only a little damage.
4. You can get a local bus to Mount Vitosha from Sofia, it’s
a) not difficult, b) quite expensive, c) very slow.
5. The Turkish origins of Bulgaria are evident in its music and
a) food, b) politics, c) architecture.
6. The writer thinks the weather in Bulgaria is best in
a) summer, b) winter, c) spring.
7. Meals in Bulgaria are usually served with
a) meat, b) salad, c) potatoes

Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What type of country is Bulgaria today?
2. Which types of building attract tourists to Bulgaria?
3. Why is summer not the best time to go to Varna?
4. Why does the writer prefer spring to visit Bulgaria?
5. What non-traditional food can be found in Bulgaria?
6. What does the writer like about Bulgarian people?
7. Apart from the language, what is the biggest communication problem that foreign visitors have with
8. How does the writer describe her visit to Bulgaria at the end of the text?
Задание 4
Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ (A,В, СorD) для утверждений 1-7.
Since ancient times, the pyramids at Giza in Egypt have been one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. The largest of these, the Great Pyramid of Giza, or Khufu's Pyramid, is the only one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still survives today. It was the tallest building in the world for
almost 5,000 years - that is, until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.
Pharaohs, the first rulers of Egypt, built pyramids to show their power to the people. The first Pharaohs built much simpler tombs called mastabas. These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside
big enough for the coffin, the mummy of the pharaoh’s body and his treasures. Ancient Egyptians believed
that dead people still needed their bodies and treasures, such as paintings, gold and jewels, for their life after death.
Many of the pyramids were decorated inside, especially in the room where the dead pharaoh was laid. Archaeologists discovered many pictures in the tombs and mysterious writing on the walls
called hieroglyphics. Invented about 5,000 years ago, hieroglyphics
are the oldest form of writing.
They were just simple drawings of everyday things we seeand
hear. The Egyptians believed that both
the hieroglyphics and the tomb pictures were magical, which is why they painted them inside the pyramids.

When we look at the pyramids today, it is easy to see that they were built to last for a very long
time. Have you ever wondered how these great monuments were built? Many archaeologists believe that
the builders first studied the stars to decide which direction the pyramid would face, as Egyptians believed
the pharaohs would join the stars after death. Then, they built a small mastaba on the ground. Next, they
put dirt and stones all over it, leaving a tunnel to the outside. To raise the stones to the top of the pyramid,
they probably built long ramps and then rolled the stones up them.
The city of Giza is on the River Nile. The Nile was also very important in the building of the pyramids as it was used to transport the stones from far away. Granite and marble, for example, were brought
from Aswan, which is over 500km away. Many ships also brought limestone, used for the outside walls of
the pyramids, from the city of Tura, which was just across the river from Giza.
Just to give you an idea of how large the Great Pyramid is - it is the height of a modern 40-storey
building, or over 145 metres. It covers an area of land the size of seven city streets. Workers used
2,300,000 blocks to build it, each weighing 2,500 kilograms (2.5 tons). It took about 36,000 workers
(mostly slaves and farmers) between 20 and 30 years to build it. This means that for every minute they
worked, they added three blocks to the pyramid!
In conclusion, there is still a great deal of wonder and mystery surrounding the pyramids.
No one knows for certain exactly when and how they were built. So far 46 of them have been found in
Egypt,. However, maybe there are others lying underneath the sand just waiting to be discovered. Only
time will tell!
1. Khufu’s Pyramid...
A. is the world’s most popular tourist destination.
B. is the tallest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
C. was built about five thousand years ago.
D. is taller than the Eiffel Tower.
2. The mastabas...
A. were pyramids.
B. were simple places to bury dead pharaohs.
C. were bigger than pyramids.
D. contained the mothers of the pharaohs.
3. The Egyptians decorated the pyramids with
A. only hieroglyphics.
B. only pictures.
C. hieroglyphics and pictures.
D. gold and jewels
4. Which of the following is not true about hieroglyphics?
A. They are an ancient form of writing.
B. Egyptians thought they were magical.
C. They showed everyday things.
D. They are painted on the outside of pyramids.
5. The Egyptians built the pyramids ...
A. a long way from the River Nile.
B. in order to study the stars.
C. next to a mastaba.
D. using long ramps.
6. The limestone used came from ...
A. Giza.
B. the river.
C. Aswan.
D. Tura.
7. The Great Pyramid of Giza ...
A. has 40 storeys.
B. looks like a modern building.
C. took many years to build.
D. was built by 2,300,000 workers.
Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию
Day 9-10: St Petersburg: Arrive in St Petersburg after enjoying a 1)
___________ sunrise breakfast while sailing down the River Neva.
Visit the Peter and Paul Fortress, an old prison whose ‘guests’ have
included Peter the Great’s own son Alexei, Dostoyevsky, Gorky and
Trotsky. See the 2) ____________ Winter Palace, which includes
the Hermitage Museum. Housed here are some of history’s most important 3) ____________
including the world’s best 4)
______________ of French
5) ___________. After your unforgettable journey through this 6)
city, return to the ship for the captain’s farewell dinner and your final night on board. The 7) ______ morning,
we will transfer you to the airport for your flight home.



Тема 14. Профессия, карьера
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-4, выбрав правильный вариант ответа A-D
Climbers on Alpine Ridge Rescued by Text Message
Two British climbers who were stranded on a Swiss mountain in a blizzard for three days were rescued by helicopter yesterday after texting a SOS message from a mobile phone to a friend in London. Rachel Kelsey, 34, and her partner, Jeremy Colenso, 33, were lifted to safety from a snowy ridge by a mountain rescue team after surviving two nights in sub-zero temperatures with little food or shelter.
The pair, who are both experienced climbers, had been huddled behind a large rock on a granite
ledge since Saturday after bad weather closed in as they descended from the summit of Piz Badile in the
Swiss Alps. As half a metre of snow fell around them and a fierce electric storm began, their descent had
become impossible and they were forced to stop 3,000 metres up and wait until the weather improved or
help could be called.
The alarm was raised by a London-based freelance photographer, Avery Cunliffe, after he received
a desperate text message from his friends at 5 am on Saturday morning asking for help and providing details of their whereabouts. Mr Cunliffe, also a keen climber, immediately contacted the rescue services in
Geneva but bad weather prevented them from reaching the stranded couple until 8.15 am yesterday.
Ms Kelsey, who was born in South Africa, said she and Mr Colenso had prepared carefully for the
expedition, which was supposed to have taken around 18 hours. “We had checked the weather forecast for
a week before we set out and checked it again at the base.It was very good. Unfortunately a severe storm
came in out of nowhere as we were coming down from the top. It was a huge electric storm - like nothing I
have ever seen. We had a lightweight shelter for protection and we dug away the snow for a bit more cover. I texted five friends who I thought would be able to get in touch with the Swiss mountain rescue that
was about 1.30 am in the morning. Then, about four hours later, Avery texted me back saying: ‘I’m on the

1. The weather conditions...
A changed unexpectedly during the climbers’ expedition.
Вwere bad when the climbers set out.
Сcould have been predicted.
D prevented the climbers from alerting the rescue team.
2. Avery Cunliff...

A read the SOS message at 8.15 am
Вinformed the climbers that he was trying to help them.
Сgot the SOS message by accident.
D doesn’t know much about climbing.
3. The two climbers...
A didn’t prepare their expedition very carefully.
Вcome from South Africa.
Сknew a lot about climbing.
D contacted rescue services by mobile.
4. The text is...
A an account of a tragic rescue operation.
B a description of a dangerous climbing adventure
C a report on weather conditions in the Swiss Alps
D an article on the usefulness of mobile phones





Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-5,выбрав правильный ответ A-D
Climate change: Scientists warn it may be too late to save the ice caps
By David Adam
New studies of Greenland and Antarctica have forced a UN expert panel to conclude there is a 50 %
chance that widespread ice sheet loss “may no longer be avoided” because of the greenhouse gases in the
Such melting would raise sea levels by four to six metres, the scientists say. It would cause “major
changes in coastline and inundation of low-lying areas” and require “costly and challenging” efforts to
move millions of people and infrastructure from vulnerable areas. The previous official line, issued in
2001, was that the chance of such an event was “not well known but probably very low”. The melting process could take centuries, but increased warming caused by a failure to cut emissions would accelerate the
ice sheets’ demise, and give nations less time to adapt to the consequences. Areas such as the Maldives
would be swamped and low-lying countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh, as well as coastal cities including London, New York and Tokyo, would face critical flooding.
This month the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published a separate study on
the science of climate change, which concluded that humans are “very likely” to be responsible for most of
the recent warming, and that average temperatures would probably increase by 4 degrees Celsius this century if emissions continue to rise. Even under its most optimistic scenario, based on a declining world population and a rapid switch to clean technology, temperatures are still likely to rise by 1.8 degrees Celsius.

1. All of the following results of the ice caps melting are mentioned in the article, EXCEPT...
A People who live in areas that are close to sea level would have to move.
В The Maldives and other low-lying areas would be flooded.
С Sea levels would raise several metres.

D Temperatures across the world will decrease.
2. What does the article say would be a result of NOT cutting emissions?
A Countries would have to move infrastructure and people located in vulnerable areas.
В There will be major changes in coastlines.
С Countries will have less time to prepare for the changes that global warming will bring.
D Temperatures would increase 1.8 degrees Celsius.
3. What was the previous official line on the potential for sea levels to rise due to global warming?
A It was going to happen, but not soon.
В It was not exactly known if or when this would happen.
С It was going to happen, but they didn’t know when.
D It had already started happening in 2001.
4. The article states all of the following about rising sea levels EXCEPT that...
A it may be inevitable.
В countries are ready in case this happens.
С coastal cities will be flooded.
D it is a result of the ice caps melting.
5. What can prevent a rise in temperatures?
A A declining world population and switching to cleaner technologies
B Nothing can be done to stop rising temperatures
C Cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions
D The preservation of the polar ice caps






Тема 6. Компьютеры и их функции
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-5, выбрав правильный вариант ответа A-D
Gail Mirabella used to train her dogs to do tricks when she was a kid. Eventually, her hobby turned
into a career. Today, Mirabella works as a dog trainer for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus.
Backstage before a recent show, she talked to Time Magazine Kid Reporter, Cameron Young, about why
she chose this career path, how the dogs are trained and her overall love for dogs.
Reporter: Did you always want to be a dog trainer in the circus?
Mirabella: When I was a little kid, I think I was about 9 or 10, I did my first dog show, a kid’s dog
show, and I actually took first place with the best tricks. From then on, I kind of realized I wanted to work
with dogs, but who would have thought I’d be in the circus?
Reporter: Did you have any dogs growing up?
Mirabella: Absolutely. I had a white shepherd when I was a little baby. And then when he passed
away, we got a couple of family dogs. When I was 14, I got my first dog for myself for my birthday. He
was a big shepherd and reminded me of the shepherd l had when I was a baby. That dog actually lived to
be 14 years old, and he went to college with me too.
Reporter: How long does it take you to train a
Mirabella: That depends on the dog. For some of the dogs that I rescued or adopted, it may take up
to a year. First and foremost, I develop a bond with the dog. I become like their best friend. I have thirteen
dogs and I let them all play together, but I do a lot of individual work with each dog. They know that I am
the one in charge because I do all the feeding, and it keeps everyone pretty well balanced.
Reporter: If you weren’t a dog trainer, what would you be?

Mirabella: A dog. Just kidding. I would probably still work with animals. I would probably be a
dolphin trainer.

1. What made Gail Mirabella decide she wanted to work with dogs?
A She joined the circus.
В She took first place in a kid’s dog show.
С She didn’t have any dogs when she was little.
D She always knew she would be in the circus. .
2. Gail got a shepherd for her 14th birthday. Why might this be a special gift for her?
A She had never had a dog before.
В She loved dogs.
С She knew she would work for the circus.
D It reminded her of the shepherd she had when she was a baby.
3. How long does it take Mirabella to train a dog?
A One week
ВOne month
СOne trick
D It depends on the dog
4. How do the dogs know that Gail is in charge?
A She is the one who feeds them ;
ВThe dogs will listen to her
СThere are thirteen other dogs
D She wears a clown outfit
5. How can you tell from the story that Gail really loves dogs?
A she had thirteen dogs when she was a baby
B she made a joke that she wants to be a dog
C she can bark like a dog
D she is very serious






Задание 2
Прочитайте текст. Кратко изложите его содержание (5-6 предложений), выразив основную мысль
своими словами.
There is something magical about the character of Sherlock Holmes. He is known and loved all
over the world. The image of the tall, thin man with a cape, carrying a magnifying glass and wearing a
deerstalker is recognized immediately. He is the international icon for the detective, the crime-solver and
the righter of wrongs. Since their publication, the stories of Sherlock Holmes have never been out of print;
they are available in almost every language in the world and there are versions in Pitman’s shorthand and
Braille. How did Sherlock Holmes’ career begin?
In 1886, the young Dr Arthur Conan Doyle, who was then in his middle twenties, set up in a medical practice in Southsea, Hampshire. During the longueurs between his ministrations to the few patients
who made their way to his surgery, he scribbled down some ideas for a story involving a brilliant detective.
His creation, whom he first christened Sherringford Holmes, was an eccentric fellow who lived at 22 Upper Baker Street with his friend Ormond Sacker. Fate decreed that Sherringford would be changed to Sherlock and Ormond Sacker would become Dr John Watson.

Conan Doyle had already published some short stories and articles and had been working on two
other novels before he became interested in writing a really original detective novel.
In his endeavours to create this scientific detective, Conan Doyle wrote the novella A Study in Scarlet and set about trying to interest someone in publishing it. The book was rejected by several publishers
before, in October 1886, Ward Lock and Company offered the author a mere twenty-five pounds for the
copyright, although they said that they ‘could not publish it this year as the market is flooded with cheap
fiction’. The impoverished medic was compelled to accept their miserable offer. The story was eventually
published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual for 1887. In this first story Conan Doyle established those characteristics that were to make Sherlock Holmes so fascinating to the reading public - his strange habits, his
brilliant analytical brain and his astounding deductions - but, despite this, the novella attracted little attention. However, John Marshall Stoddart, the managing editor of the American magazine Lippineott’s, found
the story interesting and he was perceptive enough to realise that the detective-story genre was about to
blossom, prompted perhaps by the high sales of Fergus Hume’s ‘The Mystery of the Hansom Cab’. Conan
Doyle was invited to attend a dinner at the Langham Hotel by Stoddart, who was in London to launch an
English edition of the magazine. Also in attendance at this dinner was Oscar Wilde. Both Wilde and Conan
Doyle were engaged to write books for the new magazine.
Задание 3
Прочитайте утверждения 1-6 и следующие за ними тексты. Установите соответствие между
утверждениями и содержанием текстов. Напишите цифру 1 - если утверждение верное, и
цифру 0 - если утверждение неверное. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. The person doing this job
will only work on one day
each week.
2. The bookshop will only
consider trained sales assistants for this job.

Part-time sales assistant wanted
We are looking for a part-time sales assistant to work in our busy
city centre bookshop on Saturday mornings. You must be trustworthy, approachable and enjoy working with the public. No experience is necessary as full training will be given. The position
would be ideal for a university student but anyone with a love of
books can apply.
Write to Mrs J. Smythe at Smythe’s Books, 25 Candon Street,
Stratford and explain why you want to work with us!

Do you like looking after children?
This job will continue We’re looking for someone aged between 18 and 25 to look after
when the children go back to our three children during the summer holidays. Adam (aged 6),
Jessica (9) and Caroline (11) are three bright, friendly and energetic children who need to be kept busy! You would work Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm. Occasionally we will need you on
The successful appli- Saturdays too. You’ll be playing games with the kids at home,
cant might have to work at and taking them on day trips too. (No driving required). Good
the weekend sometimes.
rate of p[ay for the successful applicant. Experience preferred.
Please call 5757-440404 between 6 pm and 9 pm.
Drummerwanted to join successful local band. We perform at
weddings and parties in the local area almost every weekend.
5. The band plays all over You should be an experienced drummer, happy to play a wide
the country.
range of music (including pop, rock, country, blues and soul).
You must have your own drum kit and your own transport. You
must be available for performances every Saturday and Sunday
6. The successful applicant evening, and for rehearsals every Friday evening. You can expect
must be aged between 45 and to earn approximately £70 for every two-hour performance. You
can be any age, but the rest of the band are aged 45-55.













Тема 19. Документы (письма, контракты).
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст и определите, являются ли утверждения 1 – 10 верными (True) или неверными
Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband,
Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other
radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Many of her friends would even describe her
as easy-going. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high
school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to
women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day,
one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years
working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by
a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking
anguish. Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a
physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the worldfamous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie
Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned
about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the
mysteries of the physical world.

1. Pierre and Marie Curie helped unlock the secrets to the universe.
2. The Curies had poor working relationship.
3. Marie Curie’s father worked as a science professor.
4. The university in Warsaw only admitted men.
5. Marie challenged the norms of society by leaving Poland to go to the university in France.
6. Marie met her future husband, Pierre, in Warsaw.
7. A long time after the couple discovered radium, Pierre died in an accident.
8. When Pierre died, Marie had to raise their three children alone.
9. Marie was asked to find a new professor to replace her husband at Sorbonne.
10. The Noble prize for physics was awarded to Marie Curie.


Задание 2









H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English novelist, journalist, sociologist and historian, who is best
known for his science-fiction novels such as The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man
(1897) and The War of the Worlds (1898).
The Time Machine (1895) which was his first novel, was so popular that it has been made into two
successful films. The novel is about a young scientist, Alexander Hartdegen, who invents a time machine
and devotes his life to travelling through time. Wells’ attention to detail makes his work seem believable
even today.
1. Read the first sentence of each paragraph. What do you think the extract is about? Who is speaking? Read and check.
2. Read the first paragraph. What problems did the narrator have with the time machine? How did he
fix them?
3. Read the extract and fill in the gaps 1-5 with the phrases A-E below.

but I was already going too fast to be conscious of any moving things
and I saw the sun hopping swiftly across the sky
and went off with a thud
so that it was not complete until this morning
but to me she seemed to shoot across the room like a rocket

I told some of you last Thursday about the principles of the Time Machine, and showed you the actual thing itself, incomplete in the workshop. There it is now, a little travel-worn, truly; and one of the ivory bars is cracked, and a brass rail bent, but the rest of it is soundenough. I expected to finish it on Friday,
but on Friday, when the putting together was nearly done, I found that one of the nickel bars was exactly
one inchtoo short, and this I had to get remade; 1) ____________ . It was at ten o’clock today that the first
Time Machine ever began its career. I gave it a last tap, tried all the screws again, put one more drop of oil
on the quartz rod, and sat myself in the saddle. I took the starting lever in one hand and the stopping one in
the other, pressed the first, and almost immediately the second. I felt unsteady, then a nightmare sensation
of falling but, looking round, I saw the laboratory exactly as before. Had anything happened? For a moment I suspected that mv intellect had tricked me. Then I noted the clock. A moment before, as it seemed,
it had been a minute or so past ten; now it was nearly half past three!
I drew a breath, set my teeth, gripped the starting lever with both hands,
2) _____________. The laboratory went hazy and then dark. Mrs Watchett came in and walked, apparently
without seeing me, towards the garden door. I suppose it took her a
minute or so to cross the place, 3) ____________. I pushed the lever to full power. The night came like the
turning out of a lamp, and in another moment came tomorrow. The laboratory grew faint and hazy, then
fainter and ever fainter. Tomorrow night came black, then day again, night again, day again, still faster and
faster. A whirling murmur filled my ears, 35 and a strange confusedness descended on my mind.
I am afraid I cannot convey the peculiar sensations of time travelling. They are excessively unpleasant. There is a feeling exactly like that one has upon a switchback - of a helpless headlong motion! I
felt the same horrible anticipation, too, of an imminent smash. As I increased speed, night followed day
like the flapping of a black wing. The dim outline of the laboratory seemed presently to fall away from me,
4) ______________, leaping it every minute, and every minute marking a day. I supposed the laboratory
had been destroyed and I had come into the open air. I had a dim impression of scaffolding, 5)
The slowest snail that ever crawled dashed by too fast for me. Thetwinkling succession of darkness and light was excessively painful to the eye. Then, in the darkness, I saw the moon spinning swiftly through her quarters from new to full, and had a faint glimpse of the circling stars. As I went
on, still gaining speed, the appearance of night and day merged into one continuous greyness: the sky took
on a wonderful deepness of blue, a splendid luminous colour like that of early twilight; the sun became a
streak of fire, a brilliant arch, in space; the moon a fainter changing band, and I could see nothing of the
stars except a brighter circle flickering in the blue now and then.
4. Match the underlined words in the text with their meanings (1-10). Use each one in a sentence of
your own.
1 joined together
2 ran quickly
3 difficult to see
4 foggy

7 in good condition
8 expectation that something will happen
9 continuous low sound
10 bout to happen

5 make known
6 breathed
5. Portfolio:Imagine that you have just been on a journey in a time machine. Write a short description
of your journey (100-120 words).
Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию

By now you have 1) _______ read The Da Vinci Code or seen the
film . But who 2) _________ was Leonardo da Vinci? Well, he was
born in 1452 in Italy. He is most 3)_____________ for his 4)
__________ the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was also an 5)___________
who designed a helicopter, a submarine and a parachute centuries before they were made. Leonardo thought that by understanding how
each part of a machine worked, he could change them and then put
them together in 6)___________ ways. In this way he could improve


7) ___________ machines or create new ones. He drew his ideas so
well that 500 years later his sketches have been used to make perfect
working models.


Тема 20. Транспорт
Задание 1
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. Controlling skies
5. Blocked roads
2. Lack of safety
6. Paid roads
3. Bicycle is faster
7. Improving railways
4. Office at home
8. Buses instead
of cars
A. The world’s first public passenger railway was built in Great Britain in 1826 and ran between the industrial north-eastern towns of Stockton and Darlington. After 180 years’ experience the British say that
their trains still don’t seem to run efficiently or even safely. On average, about 500 accidents with broken rail tracks happen in the country every year.
B. The British government is promising to give £33.5 billion to modernise the railways before 2010. Another £30 billion is to come from the private sector. The main target is to increase safety and speed. For
example, new London-to-Scotland high-speed trains significantly reduce journey times and in 2004 a
warning system was installed throughout the country.
C. Statistics show that only 12% of all journeys made in Britain are by public transport. The remaining
88% are made by car. Every year British people spend about two weeks travelling to and from work including nine days in their own cars. But anyone will say this isn’t a quick and easy way to travel. In fact,
a journey from London to Manchester frequently takes seven hours. A cyclist could get there quicker.
D. Every year there are about half a million traffic jams in Britain:. That is nearly 10,000 a week. There are
hundreds of big traffic jams every day. According to the forecast, the number of jams will grow by 20
per cent over the next ten years. Nearly a quarter British people find themselves in a jam every day and

55 per cent at least once a week.
E. Nowadays many British people take their children to school by car. Twenty years ago, nearly one in
three primary school children made their own way to school. Now only one child in nine makes their
own way. During the school year at 08:50 a.m. one car in five on the roads in any British town is taking
children to school. The solution could be special school buses widely used in the USA.
F. Many scientists hope that new technologies allowing more people to work at home may help with traffic
problems. Fewer people will work from 9 to 5 and travel to and from work during the rush hour. But only 15% of people now want to spend more time working at home. The workplace is, for many people, a
place to meet other people and to talk to them, so they would miss it if they worked from home.
G. In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first aeroplane flight. It only lasted 12 seconds but changed the
world forever. A century later, air travel is no longer a miracle, it is part of everyday life. One billion air
passengers now fly every year — that’s equivalent to a sixth of the world’s population. To make sure
everything runs smoothly, there are special air traffic control centres in each country which watch every


























Задание 2
Прочитайте текст. Кратко изложите его содержание (5-6 предложений), выразив основную мысль
своими словами.
The main problems associated with road transport in both Britain and the US are traffic congestion
and pollution. It is predicted that the number of cars on British roads will increase by a third within a few
years, making both these problems worse. The British government would like more people to use public
transport, but so far they have had little success in persuading people to give up their cars or to share rides
with neighbours. Most people say that public transport is simply not good enough. Americans too have resisted government requests to share cars because it is less convenient and restricts their freedom. Petrol is
relatively cheap in the US and outside the major cities public transport is bad, so they see no reason to use
their cars less.
Despite the use of unleaded petrol, exhaust emissions (= gases) from vehicles still cause air pollution which can have serious effects on health. The US was the first nation to require cars to be fitted with
catalytic converters (= devices that reduce the amount of dangerous gases given off). Emissions are required to be below a certain level, and devices have been developed to check at the roadside that vehicles
meet the requirement. Stricter controls are also being applied to lorries. Car manufacturers are now developing electric cars which will cause less pollution.
The cheapest and most environmentally-friendly ways to travel are to walk or ride a bicycle. In Oxford and Cambridge bicycles are common, and many other cities now have special cycle routes or cycle
lanes beside the main road. Elsewhere, there are so many cars on the roads that cycling can be dangerous.
In the US bicycles are used mostly for fun or sport.
Тема 19. Официальная и неофициальная переписка.
A document is a written, drawn, presented, or memorialized representation of thought. a document is a
form, or written piece that trains a line of thought or as in history, a significant event. The word originates
from the Latin documentum, which denotes a "teaching" or "lesson": the verb doceō denotes "to teach". In

the past, the word was usually used to denote a written proof useful as evidence of a truth or fact. In
the computer age, "document" usually denotes a primarily textual computer file, including its structure and
format, e.g. fonts, colors, and images. Contemporarily, "document" is not defined by its transmission medium, e.g., paper, given the existence of electronic documents. "Documentation" is distinct because it has
more denotations than "document". Documents are also distinguished from "realia", which are threedimensional objects that would otherwise satisfy the definition of "document" because they memorialize or
represent thought; documents are considered more as 2 dimensional representations. While documents are
able to have large varieties of customization, all documents are able to be shared freely, and have the right
to do so, creativity can be represented by documents, also. History, events, examples, opinion, etc. all can
be expressed in documents.
Прочитайте и переведите текст
My working day
I start my day early in the morning. I usually get up at 7 a.m. and do things that everybody does at
this time: washing, having breakfast and working out for 30 minutes. Also, I get my things, like a wallet,
keys, backpack and a tablet, and leave home at about 9 o’clock. I don’t have a car that’s why I go to the
bus stop and wait for the bus. It takes 50 minutes to get to my office by it.
My day at work is typical: phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing some important issues with my boss. So you can imagine that I have my hands full.
During the day we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the kitchen with co-workers. Sometimes
we play foosball, ping-pong, and video games. Then back to work. I usually leave at 7:15 p.m. After leaving my office I head to downtown where I have dinner with my best friend in our favorite cafe. Then
straight from the cafe, I go to the supermarket to buy some food and go home.
While returning home in public transport I always read some interesting tales which I found on the
web. I am at home at about half past nine. And the first thing that I have to do is to feed my hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and prepare supper. I always have a lot of housework
to do in the evening, I water the flowers, tidy up my flat and take a shower. Sometimes I watch TV series,
Skype to my relatives and play hide-and-seek with my cat. At last, I go to bed at 12.
So now you know how I spend my working day.
Прочитайте и переведите текст
1. Before removing the lid, unscrew the panel which is located on the right hand side of the recorder and
check the MAINS VOLTAGE; the number showing through the small slot inside the panel must correspond to the voltage of your mains supply. The MAINS LEAD may now be connected to the electric wall
2. Connect the MICROPHONE to the socket at the rear marked "M". Take off the lid.
3. THREAD by placing full spool on left-hand spindle. Take tape from full spool via the slot in the headcover and wind the red leader-tape and metallized switching leader on to the empty spool, turning this in an
anti-clockwise direction for a few turns.
4. Switch MAINS SWITCH on the top panel to the ON position. Turn SPEED-SELECTOR control to the
required tape-speed position. The green warning light will now be illuminated.

5. Move CONTROL LEVER to RECORD position. Before this can be done it is necessary to depress the
6. Adjust the RECORDING LEVEL by speaking in a normal voice into the microphone from a distance of
eighteen inches. Turn recording level control in a clockwise direction, noting amount by which the pointer
is deflected on the RECORDING-LEVEL METER. The level is correctly set when the indicator travels
almost to the end of the green segment during the loudest passages. The pointer must not be allowed to
move into the red segment or distortion of the recording will result.
7. Move START lever to the ON position. You are now recording. To stop recording, move start lever
back to OFF.
8. Move control lever from record to REWIND, and start the recorder. When the tape has rewound on to
the left-hand spool, stop the recorder.
9. Move control lever to the PLAY position and start the recorder. Therecordingwillnowbeplayedback.

2.2. Задания для проведения дифференцированного зачёта
ЗАДАНИЕ (практическое) № 1
Текст задания:
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-E частями предложений, обозначенных
цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 - лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Раздел 2. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет
Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

Условия выполнения задания
1. Место выполнения задания: на учебном занятии (дифференцированном зачёте) в аудитории
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20минут.
3.Оборудование: карточки с заданиями.

4 семестр
Варианты заданий

Вариант 1
Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1 – 8 и текстами
A – G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В
задании есть один лишний заголовок.



A However, some people become so insecure because of unfair judgment passed on them based on their
appearance, that they actually begin using their appearance as a tool to hide who they really are. That’s
unnatural and the person they turn into ends up being quite unlikable to those outside their group most
of the time. We were all born the way we were for a reason. Granted, it may be a reason we don’t yet
understand, but there is a reason and instead of trying to run from our differences and fit in with everyone else, we should understand who we are. That will bring us that much closer to finding the answer, to
why we are the way we are.

B Aries – is mostly of medium height and athletically built. The head and forehead are standing out. Eyebrows are bushy. His temper is fiery. Such person is a ground breaker in everything. He is very active
and energetic, prefers to act then think of his deeds. The head injuries may take place.
C With all of the character customization options that you get with Skyrim, it’s easy to go overboard and
choose an appearance that seems exciting at first, but that quickly loses its appeal. If you’ve already invested dozens of hours in your character, earned a ton of gold, and completed numerous quests, it’s not
surprising if you don’t want to go back and do it all over again with a new character just to change the
way you look. Fortunately, there is a way to change your character’s name and appearance later in the
game by using the console. You can also use this to change your sex if you want, just don’t change your
D When he was forty-one years of age Wesley was described by Dr. Kennicott as being “neither tall nor
fat. … His black hair, quite smooth and parted very exactly, added to a peculiar composure in his countenance, showed him to be an uncommon man.” Tyerman says, “In person Wesley was rather below the
middle size, but beautifully proportioned, without an atom of superfluous flesh; yet muscular and
strong, with a forehead clear and smooth, a bright penetrating eye, and a lovely face, which retained the
freshness of its complexion to the latest period of his life.”
E Hello, I was wondering does anyone know if it’s possible to get the Cleric armour appearance from the
character creation screen? I’ve found that you can get ones similar to it by buying or finding half plates
that have the full plate icon, but I haven’t found the exact appearance so far. It’s the one with the chain
robe and the armoured shoulders and neck piece with the tabard over the top, it’s really a driving incentive for me to find this armour if possible, also does anyone know if the Paladin armour from the character creation screen exists in the game? I play on the Sarlona server and my character is named Grimand
Oathhammer, if anyone has either of these armours and they are sellable, would they be willing to sell
or trade with me?
F If you are good, personality comes naturally. No matter what color, race or religion you belong to, if you
are a good human being, you will never be alone. All you need is to believe in what you do, and do it
with complete dedication, honesty and love. And, your efforts will be rewarded. If you are good at
something, believe in your talent, don’t look back. If you want to, you can! This is the kind of confidence, you get when you believe in your strengths and values. Every individual is a different package
and everyone has a personality.
G Appearance speaks a lot for you than personality. For instance when you appear for an interview, the
interviewer will judge your appearance before he gets to know your personality. Suppose you are meeting your potential in-laws for the first time, you are dressed in a dirty jeans, sandals and shaggy hair, believe me you will not a get a wife! You need to look presentable for you to be taken seriously. First of
all from the description above, you will be expressing yourself as a disorganized person. I think appearance is very important.

8 - extra
















Заголовки 3







Раздел 2. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 minutes talk about the city/ town/ village you live in
Remember to say:
- its geographical position
- what makes your city/ town/ village distinctive, why
- the things you like most about the place you live in, why
- the things that you dislike about this place, why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В10.



It was a beautiful tropical evening and the ocean breeze was gently blowing
as I __________ the town clock on my way to the train station. I could see the
train ________ down the track. As the engine slowly passed, I heard someone PASS
yell, “Hey, you!”
I looked up at the engine, and the engineer gestured to me to get on. When the
train came to a stop, I walked down the track to the engine and he told me to CAN
climb aboard. By then, my heart was beating fast with excitement, I climbed BLOW
up into the cab and the driver said, “Ride up here with me.” I was so excited I
________ hardly speak. When the conductor gave the signal to leave the sta- TAKE
tion the driver said, “Go ahead, drive her!” He showed me what to do and told
me to take it easy. He then __________ the whistle as I gently pulled away SHINE
and I could feel the power as the engine moved ahead, ________ up the slack
between the carriages. We started to move out of the station.
I cannot describe the thrill I felt as our light _________ through the darkness

with the jungle on our left and the Panama Canal on the right, looking down
the canal with the night air _________ through the cab of the engine.

Вариант № 2.
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1 – 8 и текстами
A – G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В
задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Variety helps socializing
2. The Net socializing
3. Negative socializing
4. Fears of loneliness
5. Socializing dominates education
6. Eager to socialize
7. Family socializing
8. Kids need more socializing

А. Most students that don’t have any friends at school get depressed or something because they feel lonely,
down, and that nobody wants to talk to them. They also might get those phobia things, like for instance,
being insecure when talking to someone, or people, for one of the “first” times. So therefore, when a teacher calls them, they might feel uncomfortable with answering. They also might have stuff going through
their heads and can’t focus on a test, worksheet, or whatever class assignment.
В. In many instances, the failure to socialize may be a key factor in qualifying for special education. It is
one of the triad of feature for a diagnosis of autism, for example. Special education has a very strong emphasis on inclusion, which in significant part provides for increased social interaction. Learning how to get
by in society is an absolutely key component to education, irrespective of whether it is the subject of a performance test.
С. In order to get through school properly you need to be able to socialize. It is especially important for
little children. That’s why in my early childhood education course we are learning that developing ways of
having healthy social interactions is so important for children.
D. Various societies have varied socializing skills among their members. It does not mean that one culture
is superior to others. It just depends on the way that the civilization under study has progressed. A civilization which has cultivated its young generation with a common set of rules and a uniform educational system is more likely to be at harmony. But on the other hand in the United States of America each minor
community brings its culture, its ethnicity and their customs. Having so many socializing influences makes
the society more tolerant.
E. My boyfriend used to go out clubbing all the time. But I’m an introvert and I can’t stand that way of
easy living. I told him how it made me feel but he says he wants to start going out more, he says socializing
is part of his path in life. I asked him what it would be like if we had our own place, he said he would be
working all day and then out socializing every night except for the weekends, then he would spend it with
me, this is what he would be like if we lived together.

F. Every time I use Myspace, Facebook or Bebo, I have a chance to socialize. I use these websites to talk
to old friends and make new friends, but the thing is I never ever get that chance to meet a friend, it would
be cool to try that, but I don’t know what socializing websites guarantee that, I would like a safe teen site,
where I can meet and make cool mates.
G. There are two types of socializing, depending on the nature of factors that influence them. One is positive when a person learns through good and happy experiences. Parents teaching their kids from their experiences, learning from books or from peers are some example of positive socializing. Positive socializing
can take on the form of natural socializing and planned socializing.
















Заголовки 4








3 - extra

Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on city life and life in villages
Remember to say:
- what the advantages and disadvantages of city life are and why
- what the advantages and disadvantages of life in villages are and why
- how life in cities and in villages is changing and why or why not
- what improvements could be made in cities and villages and why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В10.

Silent Samantha

She walked into the room, ___________ her feet behind her, her hands dug DRAG
deep into the pockets of her jeans, her shoulders and head slouched forward.
She stared at the classroom floor for a few seconds as though mesmerised by

it. Her long black hair hung down around her face preventing it from
__________ by the rest of the curious English students.


She moved her head slightly, revealing her pale white face _______ beneath
her hair, and carefully began to make her way towards the empty desk next to SEE
mine. She sat down slowly, as though she _______ in pain. “I hope you don’t
mind me _______ here”, she said in a gentle voice. Then she turned her head HIDE
and stared out of the classroom window. What she was staring at I don’t
know, but she only moved twice during the hour-long class. As soon as the
bell rang, she picked up her bag, ________ it over her left shoulder, and was BE
The same thing happened week after week, she would enter the room, walk
over to the window seat, sit down and then stare out of the window aimlessly. THROW
I often wondered what she was starring at but I never dared to ask her. Sometimes, I would catch her eye after class, but she never said anything. The only SHE
thing I ever knew about her was _______ name – Samantha.

Вариант № 3

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-5, выбрав правильный вариант ответа

New York is an invisible city, a chameleon hiding in plain sight, a place no two people experience
in quite the same way. Despite this, it is - like all great cities - constantly being explored, examined, and
But New York moves too fast to be easily understood, vibrating at a pace that makes capturing a
perfect image almost impossible. Just when you think you understand it, the city dances away, changed.
New immigrants pour across the bridges, transforming entire neighbourhoods in the blink of an eye. Rents
go up, buildings come down, and stable businesses disappear only to be replaced by new industries that
were unimaginable just a few months earlier.
But even more powerful than the changes wrought by time are the changes wrought by place, by
ethnicity, by character. New York is a vision embraced by many people, each personal, each unlike any
other. Which New York you see depends on who you are and where you live: My New York is not, and
never will be, yours.
But while we may not be able to live in all of these intersecting cities, visiting them is definitely
possible. What we have tried to do in this issue is to look at the multiple New Yorks that coexist, side by
side, almost invisible to outsiders.

1. New York is described as “invisible” because of ...
A the fast pace of life.
Вthe way different people view the city.
Сits location on an island.
D its long history.
2. The author believes all of the following EXCEPT...
A that people should live in all of the interesting parts of New York City
Вthat New York is very fast paced

Сthat New York can be difficult to understand
D that New York is constantly being explored
3. What two things are described as constantly changing?
A population and industry
Вindustry and location
Сneighbourhoods and location
D bridges and population
4. Outsiders are...
A welcome to live in different parts of New York.
Вoften unable to view the different images of the city.
Сconstantly contributing to the city’s changes.
D an important part of New York’s many identities.
5. What is the LEAST powerful of the changes in New York?
A character
D ethnicity












Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on holidays
Remember to say:

why people go on holidays
what people usually do on holidays

- what different kinds of holidays people go on
- what kind of holiday you enjoy and why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.



The room where I was sleeping was near the back of the flat. There was a
short hallway to the kitchen, which _________ onto the rear stairway by
which I came and went. Not long before I moved in, there _________ a OPEN
burglary in the flat downstairs and, during the first few weeks of my stay, I
lay there, listening carefully to noises in the night.
At last, my watchfulness was rewarded. In the middle of the night I heard FACE
the door from the stairway to the kitchen open and close. I moved fast and STAND
stood in the middle of the room, __________ the door between me and the
kitchen, ready to make my escape through the other rooms, down the front EARLY
stairway, and out onto the street. Why I hesitated, I do not know. As I
__________ there, there was silence from the kitchen. Seconds, maybe HAVE
minutes, into that silence came a crash that froze me to the spot. I could not
have run even if my life depended on it. Then, the door to the hallway be- SHE
gan to open very slowly. In walked a cat.
I must have yelled something ________ during the first moments of terror,
because the cat was soon followed by the neighbor, who explained that the
cat had been keeping her and her husband awake, so she had put it in the
kitchen of what she had believed to be a vacant flat. She apologized.
____________ I not been paralysed with fear, I might have hugged

Вариант № 4

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-5, выбрав правильный вариант ответа
Sports have long been idealized as a way to heal wounds, mend fences, and rise above differences
among cultures and nations. As we look ahead to the Olympics in a few weeks and the World Cup after
that, are we fools to think that sports can not only transcend politics but pave a path to peace?
Nobody sells the-sports-as-diplomacy theme better than the Olympics, which aims “to build a
peaceful and better world thanks to sport.” Most everything about the Games echoes these ideals: the interlocking Olympic rings that symbolize the coming together of the five continents, the determinedly harmonious atmosphere at Olympic village, and the very existence of the IOC’s Olympic Truce Foundation and
its stated goal of finding “peaceful and diplomatic solutions to the conflicts around the world.”

But despite the many feel-good stories, high-profile sporting events have served equally well, it
seems, as a means by which to sow dissension: think of the Munich massacre, or the 1996 Olympic Park
bombing. And in 1916, the unifying power of sports proved no match for the hostilities of World War I:
the Berlin Olympics, long planned for that year, had to be cancelled.
We want so badly to believe that all we really need to achieve world peace is a ball. We crave feelgood solutions that will promote world harmony. We tell ourselves that the Olympics can make everybody
love each other; that basketball and soccer can bring peace to Israel, conciliation to Ireland, and understanding to South Africa; that sports’ power to heal is stronger than hatred’s power to destroy. If sports are
really going to save the world, we need those kids who are now shooting baskets and goals in Israel and
Ireland and South Africa to become not athletes but political leaders. And they’d better grow up fast.

1. According to the author, sports have long been considered to be...
A a way to bring peace between different cultures and nations.
Вthe difference between peaceful and warring nations.
Сa way to highlight political injustices in the world.
D a way to sow dissension.
2. In this article the term ‘sports-as-diplomacy’ is best defined as...
A the Olympic Truce Foundation’s mission statement.
Вthe way in which the world views the conflicts in Israel, Ireland, and South Africa.
Сa belief that creating solutions to world conflicts can be aided by sports.
D a reference to the failure of sports to resolve conflicts such as World War I.
3. The Munich massacre and the 1996 Olympic Park bombing are evidence used by the author to
show that...
A sports do bring peace even in times of conflict.
Вpoor security at major sporting events slows the peace process.
Сorganizations like the Olympics and the World Cup are mostly effective at bringing peace.
D large sporting events can create more reasons for hostility among rival nations.
4. The author believes that sports...
A can be an avenue for peace if the competitions are held at the right place and the right time.
Вcannot solve the world’s problems without the help of good politics.
Сcan bring peace to Israel, Ireland, and South Africa.
D will only bring peace if large events like the Olympics and the World Cup are not involved in political debates.
5. In conclusion, the author suggests that…
A the path to world peace is through younger generations becoming involved in politics
B the Olympics and the World Cup exclude countries currently in turmoil
C sports are a feel-good solution that can be utilized by politicians more effectively
D people are not wrong for believing sports can promote world peace











Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on how you spend your free time
Remember to say:
- how much free time you have
- what activities you do in your free time
- what you would do if you had more free time
- if the way in which you spend your free time has changed over the years
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

No More Tears



I’ve been very busy during the past few weeks, but today I decided to
treat _________ to some proper food, which generally _______ cooking
something simple from scratch.
I like the simplicity and flexibility of eating out, but there are a few draw- MEAN
backs. Cost is the obvious one, but I also feel that t5he quality of the food is
often below that which I could cook myself.
In addition to ________ better food than most restaurants, I enjoy preparing WORK
it. It’s a welcome break from whatever else I ________ on, and it can be
very relaxing. What is more, my kitchen is perfect for cooking in, which is
great when I remember to stock it with food.
I like _______ with onions, but I hate chopping them. My eyes are very COOK
sensitive to onion, and I usually have to run screaming from the room
shortly after I’ve started chopping them. I’ve _______ of many unusual
remedies, but nothing helped enough to make onion chopping pleasant. Af-


ter many years and many tears, my flatmate told me about one effective HEAR
method: to wear goggles. Since then, I’ve received many comments while
chopping onions, but nothing that __________ me close to tears.

Вариант № 5
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте и переведите газетные статьи. Озаглавьте их. Ответьте на вопросы
1. That was no UFO in the skies above the southeast Missouri town of Jackson.
A UFO that was the talk of Jackson has turned out to be nothing more than a school game gone wrong.
Three weeks ago, Zach Stanfield, 16, videotaped a disc-shaped object hovering in the sky above his home.
The Southeast Missourian newspaper ran a front-page photo of the disc, taken from the video, with a story
about an unidentified flying object hovering over Jackson. But there were no little green men inside it. The
UFO actually was a balloon that had been for schoolchildren. In an effort to make it fly, Cherie Moore, a
schoolteacher, put too much helium inside the balloon and it floated away. Cherie Moore said she and her
husband just about died when they saw a newspaper report on the supposed UFO. An air traffic controller
at the airport said too much helium would have given the disc the strange hovering effect seen in the tape,
especially on a day with mild winds.
A group of friends have set a new world record for the highest altitude formal dinner. Six
Britons and one Australian had a five-course meal 22,000 ft up Lhakpa Ri mountain in Tibet, on May 3.
The team wore white ties and top hats and carried up Tables, chairs, silver cutlery, floral centerpieces, a
candelabra and their food and wine. The team is awaiting official confirmation from the Guinness Book of
Records. Although they actually climbed 23,113ft, hurricane-strength winds forced them back down to a
more sheltered point at 22,326ft to hold the dinner. Group member Rob Sully said: “We came, we climbed,
we dined.”
A German man who tried to give his pet Rottweiler cleaner breath by brushing its teeth is
recovering in hospital. Police said that the 60-year-old from Karisruhe ended up being badly bitten and was
lucky to survive. The man said: “I can’t understand it. I even used a special dog toothbrush I bought at the
pet shop and thought he wouldn’t mind.” The German man said he was only able to save himself by playing dead and making his dog let go and return into its kennel. The man lost large amounts of blood and was
taken to hospital in an ambulance.

Why did the newspaper publish the information without checking it?
Why can the dinner in the second story be called a formal dinner?
What should the pet owner from the third story do after the accident?
Which story seems the most interesting to you? Why?
Which story do you like best? Explain your answer.

Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on sport

Remember to say:
- which sports are popular in your country
- which sport is your favourite to watch and why
- who your favourite sportsmen/women are
- which sports you enjoy playing, and why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

At 10.30 we left the car park and turned left onto the road heading north.
We followed the road for about 300 metres before _________ a footpath
heading east. Peter __________ a certain amount of mud in this area and he TAKE
was right. After the recent heavy rains of the previous five to six weeks the
ground was very wet indeed and there aws a great deal of mud and water to PROMISE
walk through. There was little point in ________ to avoid it , as there was TRY
no other way round.
The first half a mile towards the moor was perhaps the muddiest. We carefully climbed over the fences as all the rain had made __________ very RUN
slippery. The footpath swung northeast and ________alongside a stream
for a while before emerging onto a road on the edge of the moor.




We passed a few houses including one where the owner ________ in mak- BELIEVE
ing full use of garden decorations or ornaments. This particular one had so
many ornaments on the lawn that cutting the grass must have been a com- DRY
plete nightmare.
The road headed northwest for a short distance and then we took a footpath
just beyond Old Mill Farm, which took us up to _______ ground.

Вариант № 6

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1 – 8 и текстами
A – G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В
задании есть один лишний заголовок.

The main point
The Net influence
Lack of choice
Wild way of entertaining
The top five
Media communication
Mobile media entertainment
Modern interests

А. Between December 2003 and December 2005, total TV reach declined but the biggest fall was among
young people – it fell by 2.9% for 16 –24 year-olds. During 2005, reach declined by 2.2% in that age
group. Reach is defined as at least 15 minutes of consecutive TV viewing in a week. Industry figures say
the decline could be due to the growth of the internet. DVDs and gaming could also be factors, they said.
В. Digital Spy is a showbiz, entertainment and digital media community. It is the UK’s
largest independent entertainment website generating over 90 million monthly page
impressions. Digital Spy is also renowned for its extensive and unique coverage of Big Brother each year.
The discussion forums have more than 290,000 registered users and 28.3 million posts.
С. Young people (8–18) devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes to using entertainment media across
a typical day (more than 53 hours a week), increasing by one hour and seventeen minutes a day over the
past five years, according to a new study, Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds, designed and analyzed by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Stanford University researchers. The increase in
media use is driven in large part by ready access to mobile devices like cell phones and iPods. Young people now spend more time listening to music, playing games, and watching TV on their cell phones (a total
of 49 min. daily) than they spend
talking on them (33 min.).
D. When I plan my parties, I spend time thinking about the menu, the music, the table
settings, centerpieces and all the other little details that go into making a wonderful event. But the first
thing I really focus on is my guests. After all, that’s the real reason for all the rest. They are usually my
friends and I try to do my best to adjust my party to each of our company.
E. He writes a blog, downloads Korean television shows, manages two Web sites devoted to music and
plays an online game called Rongguang Hospital, at Baidu.com. “I started doing a lot of this when I was
about 11 years old,” says Mr. Li, a freshman at the Shanghai Maritime University. “Now, I spend most of
my leisure time on the Internet,” he says. “There’s nowhere else to go.”
F. Additionally, anyone under 18 and out of childhood has severely limited options when it comes to entertainment. Just about everybody has experienced the frustration of being under 18 and having nowhere to go
apart from the movies or the zoo. Most young people
are interested in popular music, but beyond their TV and radio, there’s very little offered to them. Essentially, any licensed premises are out of bounds which creates an enormous void in popular music options.
G. This survey was done in March 2010 (Term 1), and so it is not surprising that summer Hollywood
blockbusters featured in the films listed by students as the most enjoyable film they’d watched recently.
The top 5 films were Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, ShutterIsland, Valentine’s Day and The Hangover. It is
interesting to note that 3 of the top 5 films have unrestricted ratings.
















Заголовки 2








4 - extra

Раздел 2. Устнаяречь

Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on the weekend
Remember to say:
- what you usually do at the weekend
- whether there is anything you don’t like about the weeekend
- which people you like to spend time with at the weekend, and why
- what your ‘perfect weekend’ is like
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

City Farms



As a person who has lived on the edge of a small city all my life, I find it
difficult to believe that some children ________ in big cities grow up without ever seeing an animal _________ than a pet dog. When I was a child LIVE
we thought it was perfectly natural _______ in fields with large cows for
company, but apparently some city children do not even know what the an- LARGE
imal that produces their milk _______ like.
To help city children to understand what it is like to live in the country,
special farms _________ right in the centre of some of our large cities. One
of the ________ of these is in London. It is run by volunteers and has herds LOOK
of sheep, goats, cows and other animals. There are educational programmes
for visitors, and children can help feed and clean the animals. I ________
to one of these farms myself, but think that it is a marvelous way to help
children learn about the ways of the countryside, and I hope that we shall
see more of these farms in our cities in the future.


Вариант №7

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-7, выбрав правильный вариант ответа
A, B или С
Cell Mania
Walk down the hallway of any high school and you see them everywhere. Flip through a teen magazine or watch a prime time television show and you can’t miss advertisements telling us to buy one. I’m
talking about cell phones, of course. These gadgets are taking the world by storm and re-inventing the way
teens communicate.
Stephanie Binder, 16, says her parents pay the phone bill and that she has unlimited time on weekends, so she seems to never stop talking. For others, cell phones make it easier to get in contact with
friends. “On Friday nights, when you’re trying to plan things with your friends, cells make it all so much
easier,” says Micki Barram, 18.
Why have cell phones become so popular for teens? Joe Penn, 17, has a theory to explain why cell
phones hold so much attraction for young people. “They’ve kind of replaced cigarettes,” he says. “They
make you seem older, more like an adult.” According to Penn, teens want to look successful and grown up.
Having a cell phone is a big part of that image. And as anyone in marketing will tell you, phone holders
and trendy bags with cell phone pockets are must-haves among young people. The high-tech materials and
bright colours they are made of have a certain cool factor for teens. According to Barram, girls especially
like the stylish look of cells. “For us it’s more of an accessory, like a watch or an earring,” she says.
But not all young people are caught up in cell mania. David Goodtree, 15, is strictly against owning
one. “Cell phones totally dominate people’s lives,” he says. “Most of my classmates have them on all the
time, even when they’re not supposed to, like during classes and in cinemas. It’s very irritating,” Goodtree
adds, shaking his head.
Many parents are only too happy to pay for the newest cell phone model for their kids because it
means they can always check up on where their children are. “Where are the kids?” is a question no mum
ever needs to ask when she can just dial a number to find out. In fact, whole families are now becoming

1. You see advertisements for cell phones...
A in high schools.
Вin TV shows.
C in the apartment hallways
2. Cell phones make it easier for teens to...
A plan activities with their friends.
Вhave lots of free time on weekends.
Сpay their phone bills.
3. Cell phones are attractive for young people because...
A they are cheaper than cigarettes.
Вthey make teenagers seem grown up.
Сyou can wear one on your arm like a watch.
4. More girls than boys...
A buy cell phones.

Вhave phone holders.
C think trendy cells look cool.
5. David Goodtree...
A is crazy about cell phones, too.
Вwould like to own a cell.
Сthinks cells are not a good thing.
6. It’s OK to use cell phones...
A at school.
Вin the cinema.
Сat home.
7. Parents often use cell phones because….
A they can find out where their children are
B they like the stylish models, too.
C they are not so expensive.















Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on where you live
Remember to say:
- what kind of building (house, flat, etc) you live in
- who you live with
- what the neighbourhood is like
- whether you like where you live
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.

The Holiday




He was sure it was going to be a boring holiday. He and his parents
_________ to the same small seaside town for two weeks every summer
ever since he could remember. He had enjoyed it when he was __________
, looking for crabs and small fish in the rock pools with his father or building sand castles on the beach that would only be washed by the waves
__________ . But now he was fifteen and he didn’t enjoy _________ those
things any more. What could there possibly be in this sleepy little place to
keep him __________ for two weeks? He stared miserably out of the window as the train came to a halt and his parents ___________ to pick up
their suitcases. He knew he should tell his parents how he felt, but it was
impossible for him to hurt their feelings; he knew how they loved to return
to the same hotel where they ________ their honeymoon all those years
before. But his mind was made up; he told himself that he would never go
on holiday with his parents again







Вариант № 8

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте информацию для туристов с Интернет сайта об историческом городе
Стратфорд на Эйвоне в Англии. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и
текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один
раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

A What to do
В How to get then?
С A brief history of the town
D Significant buildings
E Why Stratford is famous
F Places to stay

1. Stratford-upon-Avon is set in the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river
Avon. The town is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Britain. Known as the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford has much to offer the visitor. In the pedestrianised part of the town centre you

will find a lovely house and neat garden surrounded by a small wood, where Shakespeare was born in 1564.
The life and times of Shakespeare can be experienced in this little town.
2. There are many treasures a visitor will find strolling about the town. In Church Street you will find the
grammar school where Shakespeare was educated. Nash House and New Place, where he lived from 1597
until his death in 1616 are nearby. Another famous home and perhaps one of the most photographed cottages in England is Anne Hathaway’s cottage, where she lived before marrying Shakespeare in 1582. A trip
to Stratford would not be complete without taking a short stroll to Ноlу Trinity Church, where William
Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway are buried.
3. The Avon River adds greatly to the picturesque setting of Stratford. It's a great spot for a picnic, where
you can watch the swans and tour boats glide by. Take a traditional ferry boat ride across the river to enjoy
a riverside walk with open-air entertainers and much more. Appreciate the works of Shakespeare live at the
famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre on the river. A dinner cruise is another delightful way to spend the
4. A visitor to Stratford will find a wide variety of accommodation: everything from hotels and a youth
hostel in town to countryside farmhouses. There are various tour companies available to guide you around
town. Restaurants, pubs and teahouses are scattered about the town that cater to every taste. Stop by the
tourist information centre for information on what Stratford has to offer.
5. You can visit Stratford by car (one hour’s drive from London) and the town has two large car parks
available. Another option is by coach, in which case you can also book a one day package tour from London. British Rail provides services from London and other locations around Britain to Stratford. The train
station is conveniently located in the centre of town, a short walk from the tourist information centre,
where you can plan an unforgettable visit to Stratford-upon-Avon.











Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk about your best friend
Remember to say:
- who your best friend is
- what he/she looks like
- what his/her character is like
- what have you in common
- what you like/dislike in your friend
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В10.




Old Granny Carter had lived in her little cottage by the river all her
life. It was a cosy place to live, and she was very proud of her garden,
which everyone _______________ was one of the ___________ in the
village. She was not able to look after it by ___________ now, but
some of the older children in the village loved to come at the weekends
to help her kee[ everything tidy, __________ that when they had finished there would be one of Granny Carter’s delicious cakes for them
to eat. And then there _________ the stories. Granny Carter had so
many memories of what life in the village ________ like when she was
a young girl. She loved to share these with the children who came to
help her and she would get out her old photograph albums and talk,
sometimes tearfully, about the people she had known. She had never
married, but she was fond of saying that she had the most __________
family in the world because all the people in the village were her children.




Вариант № 9

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте и переведите текст
My working day
On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an early
riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my taperecorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and
shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed.
Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn't have
to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio.
I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. Last year I tried to enter Moscow University, but unfortunately I failed my entrance examinations. So I thought I should work somewhere. It wasn't easy to find a job, but I managed to get a position of a secretary in a small business company.
They agreed to take me because I had studied typewriting, computing and business organization at
school. And besides, I passed my English school leaving exam with an excellent mark.
It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time on the train. I've got
a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and dialogues. Sometimes I read a book and retell it
silently. If I come across an interesting expression I try to memorize it. I also write some English words on
flashcards and learn them.
I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9 sharp. There are
always some fax messages to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to write a
letter to our business partners abroad. There are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer.
At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe just round the
corner. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5 o'clock. During the working day we
also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We
have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk. Occasionally I have
to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o'clock in the evening. When we have a lot of things to do we go to work on
Saturdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep till eleven o'clock,
watch television, listen to music and read something in English.
And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job. I think I get a lot of
useful experience.
Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on extreme sports
Remember to say:
- which type of extreme sports you like and why
- what attracts people in such type of sport
- how important sport is in your life
- if you have done any extreme sport
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.





Every child comes into this world like wet clay, completely
without any habits and ______ patterns. Socializing is the
process by which a child makes himself and learns the process
of _________ and surviving in society. There are various key
factors that influence this process – the family, the peers, the
school, society and ______ beliefs. The first point of contact to
the child and also the most ______ factor is always the family.
The ethics and behaviour that is followed at home is always
copied ________ by the child. Parents are generally role models
for children. Hence the socializing skills are passed on in most
cases to the offspring. Elder children are also a source of influence. It is because of this reason that in the joint family
system that existed previously in India, the ____ were always
better adjusted to society.





Вариант № 10

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14
соответствуют содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о
чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного,
ни отрицательного ответа (3–Notstated).
Why Some Don’t Care About Their Appearance
Despite the extremely superficial nature of this society there are still people who are able to avoid
the notion that you have to adapt to a particular standard of beauty mainly because they are comfortable in
their own skin. To outsiders it might appear that these individuals don’t care at all what they look like
when the reality is that they simply have different priorities, and so even if their appearance doesn’t feature
very highly on their list it doesn’t mean that they give no consideration to their appearance whatsoever.
For some individuals appearance is extremely important because it gives them an edge. They may
already feel confidence when they are with colleagues and friends, but looking good gives them the extra
boost they need.
Other people don’t attribute that much importance to appearances, especially if they have a laidback attitude, are confident in themselves, and don’t have a job which requires power-dressing. This
doesn’t mean they don’t care about their appearance; just that they have better things to do with their time
than dressing up when all they are going to do is sit behind a desk all day.
Some people do care about their appearance, although it may not look that way to others. There are
individuals who possess their own unique sense of style, which might entail showing off their tattoos and
piercings, as well as wearing clothes which don’t seem to go together and look rather scruffy. However,
these individuals may well belong to their own ‘tribe’ and this is their uniform. As far as their fellow
‘members’ are concerned they are one of them, and are dressed to reflect this. The rest of the world might
think these individuals don’t care about their appearance, but usually the opposite is true.
Of course, there are those who really don’t care what they look like, and usually justifiably so. If
you’re homeless, have a drink or drug problem, or a mental health issue, you can be forgiven for not making your appearance a priority.
Unfortunately, everybody is judged by their appearance in this society, so that if you don’t fit in
with what is expected you are usually written off as being a bit weird. Everybody has their ups and downs,
though, and surely nobody spends every second of their life trying to look their best. There are occasions
when you’re sick or are grieving and feel down, so that the last thing on your mind is your appearance. Only the people closest to you are able to judge if you are ‘yourself’ or not, though, since strangers see you
for a split second without comprehending how you are feeling at any given moment.
Most people do care about their appearance when they are in good spirits and things are going well
in their life because they want to demonstrate that they belong to this society, which generally means conforming to certain standards in terms of their appearance. There may be some who decide to ignore convention, but these tend to be in the minority, while very few individuals don’t care at all what others think
about the way they look.

Some people don’t care about their looks as they find it unimportant.
1) True


3) Not stated

For some people good appearance means additional points in their salary.
1) True


2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

There are people who think dressing up is useless for their job.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 10

Tattoos and piercings can be taken as a sign of haut couture.
1) True

A 11

3) Not stated

2) False

3) Not stated

Only strangers can make a just decision about your look.
1) True

A 14

2) False

Men are usually preoccupied by bigger problems than appearance.
1) True

A 13

3) Not stated

Some people don’t look proper but the same as their friends.
1) True

A 12

2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

Few people are inattentive to the norms of appearance in society.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


A7 –1; A8 – 3; A9 – 1; A10 – 2; A11 – 1; A12 – 3; A13 – 2; A14 – 1.
Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on organizing end of year party at your college
Remember to say that you can choose from:
- a fancy dress party
- disco with a famous DJ
- theatre performance
- quiz show
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.





In my opinion, the TV and movie _______ industry should
control the amount of crude or foul language in their programs.
_______ the use of crude, foul language on TV programs and in
the movies has been increasing. Young children or teenagers
can be affected by ______ to this bad language. In the case of
very young people, they sometimes hear the words and use
them even though they don't really know what they mean. For
example, one day a four-year old boy I know well used bad language when he spoke to me. I was surprised, and I asked him if
he knew the _______ of what he was saying. Of course, he didn't. Then when he uses these words, other children hear them
and also speak out the same words. After that, I decided to carefully choose programs for my nephew. I think I have to do it
because I don’t want him to be negatively affected by TV. Parents and others find this language _____ , too.
In my opinion, the TV and movie entertainment industry





should control the amount of crude language in their programs.
I think it’s the best way to protect the ______ from being exposed to such language.

Вариант № 11
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14
соответствуют содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о
чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного,
ни отрицательного ответа (3–Notstated).

I have a problem socializing with girls
I try to follow the rule ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’. But the thing I’ve realized is that a lot
less seems to bother me than bothers girls. If a girl told me something like ‘I really like you but you’re in a
dead end job and I am accustomed to a more expensive lifestyle therefore I wouldn’t compromise.’ I would
just say okay.
I don’t know, but the way I am, I prefer if people tell me the truth like that so at least I know what’s wrong
and maybe I can do better next time. However with girls I noticed telling the truth gets me hated. Girls call
me rude and everything. I started lying to girls in college recently and I managed to get back relations pretty easily so I can imagine why lots of guys do it. The interesting thing is the girls seem to suspect that I’m
lying but they still smile and go along with it anyway. Telling girls what they want to hear gets me much
further than I used to get. I always had difficulty lying to people because of my morals but these results are
astonishing. Women always shun me for telling the cold hard truth so I didn’t know what to do. So I just
started doing what got results.


The guy tries to follow his own rule.
1) True


2) False

3) Not stated

Girls don’t worry much about many things as the guy thinks..
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


Many girls told him that they prefer a more expensive lifestyle.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 10If a girl explains her choice to date or not, the guy just submits.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 11 The guy likes being told what the real matter is.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 12 All girls like the truth about them as the guy finds it..
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 13 Girls find the guy rude as he tells openly his opinion.
1) True

A 14

2) False

3) Not stated

Telling lies makes all business with girls easier according to the guy’s opinion.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


A7 –3; A8 – 1; A9 – 3; A10 – 1; A11 – 1; A12 – 2; A13 – 1; A14 – 1.
Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on the mass media
Remember to say:
- whether nowadays it’s easier to get information about the world, why
- why it is important to keep up-to-date with the news
- what the most popular way of learning about the world is, why
- which way of getting information you prefer, why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию
Day 9-10: St Petersburg: Arrive in St Petersburg after enjoying a 1)
___________ sunrise breakfast while sailing down the River Neva.
Visit the Peter and Paul Fortress, an old prison whose ‘guests’ have
included Peter the Great’s own son Alexei, Dostoyevsky, Gorky and
Trotsky. See the 2) ____________ Winter Palace, which includes
the Hermitage Museum. Housed here are some of history’s most important 3) ____________
including the world’s best 4)
______________ of French
5) ___________. After your unforgettable journey through this 6)
city, return to the ship for the captain’s farewell dinner and your final night on board. The 7) ______ morning,
we will transfer you to the airport for your flight home.



Вариант № 12

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте разговор между друзьями. В заданиях А1- А6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3,
соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


Time goes so quickly-I can’t believe that I will have been here for five years on


That’s a long time. Where did you live before that?
I lived in a small town, about 150 miles from
Perth, on the south-west coast of
Australia, called Albany.
When you say “small”, how small do you mean?
Oh, around 12 000 people.
What is it like growing up somewhere that small?
Well, it has advantages. People tend to be much more
friendly in small ltowns.
You seem to get to know more people. The pace of life is much slower, everyone seems to
have more time to talk and generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the other hand,
small-town life can be pretty boring. Obviously, you haven’t got the same range of entertainments available as in the city, and unless you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.



So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle farming and more recently a lot of people
have started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first established as a whaling base and
although there isn’t any whaling today, most people are still employed by the fishing industry.
What’s the weather like?
In summer you get some fairly days, but it gets very windy. In winter, I guess the
average temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius, and it gets really windy and it’s very, very


Sounds lovely, I can see why you are here.
Oh, come on, it’s not all that bad. It’s got a beautiful coastline, and beautiful beaches. You
can drive for about 45 miles and you will come to absolutely deserted white beaches. You can
be the only person swimming there.
With that wind I’m not surprised!
Don’t de like that, we do get some good days. Anyway, where do you come from?
I come from a town called Watford, about 17 miles from the centre of London.
Is it a big town?
Not really. It has a population of around 80-90 000 but the whole area is built up so it is hard
to say where Watford finishes and the other towns begin.
Did you enjoy living there?
Well, being so close to London has advantages. You get the latest films and music.
There is always something going on and there is such a wide variety of different people and
cultures that it is difficult to get bored. Of course all this has its downside-the cost of living
is very expensive and most people cannot afford to go out very often. So although the entertainment is available you have to have a lot of money to enjoy it. Another problem is like
most big cities there is a lot of crime and there are areas of London that are very dangerous.

A 1.

What is the disadvantage of small towns?

A 2.

The lifestyle is very relaxed.
People don’t have enough opportunities
to be entertained.
People know everything about each other.
Molly says that to find a job in her hometown is

A 3.

rather boring.
quite easy.
What is the main industry in Molly’s town?

A 4.

The main industry is cattle farming.
The main industry is growing potatoes.
The main industry is fishing.
What is the best thing about the area where Molly lives?

A 5.

The coast is very beautiful.
One can swim alone everywhere.
There are many places for windsurfing.
What is the best thing of living close to London?

A 6.

There are lots of different people everywhere.
It takes little time to get to the city.
There are lots of entertainments.
What is the disadvantage of Gregory’s town?

1) There are too many people everywhere.
2) Living there is not cheap.
3) Too many entertainments are available.
A1 – 2; A2 – 1; A3 – 3; A4 – 1; A5 – 3; A6 – 2;
Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card

Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on travelling
Remember to say:
- if you like to travel
- if you have ever travelled outside of your country
- which countries you have always wanted to visit
- if you prefer travelling alone or with your friends (family)
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.


Nowadays, modern music ______ all over the world and


having a strong effect on the young. Music in the clubs or

discotheques such as rap and rock music often _____ loud ____,
and some songs even have violent lyrics which can have a bad influence on young people. This kind of music affects their spirit
negatively. With bad words and ______ ideas such as doomsday or
the end of the world, sacrifice in love, and loss of religious _____;
these songs make young people frightened and unable to control
______. For example, you might _______ that some young people
killed themselves some years ago after _____ to a song by Michael
Jackson about doomsday. This song has an extremely unfortunate
effect on some young people. They couldn’t control themselves
and wanted to kill themselves and _____.



Вариант № 13
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14
соответствуют содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о
чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного,
ни отрицательного ответа (3–Notstated).
In most ways, Sarah McCarthy is your average high schooler. She has a job, college plans, but also a peculiar passion for a 16-year-old: She’s a vinyl junkie. And none of that hipster new stuff. To this senior high
school student, there’s nothing like the raw crackle, the depth of sound, her delicate hand on diamondtipped stylus to spin from the dusty stash of records she found in the basement of her grandfather.
“He gave me his receiver and speaker system and told me to listen to it the way it was made to be listened
to,” McCarthy said. “I’ve turned a lot of my friends on to it. They come over a lot to listen with me.”
At a time when parents feel positively prehistoric as they explain how to use plastic ice-cube trays or speak
of phones with cords and dials, this teen knows what a record is. Not only that, she knows the difference
between a 45 and an LP. She met her boyfriend in a record shop and now works there.

“Listening to old music remastered to a newer format is almost comical,” Sarah said. “They weren’t meant
to be digitalised. Listening to Jimi Hendrix on my iPod doesn’t capture his endlessly deep guitar solos
quite like a 33 LP of ‘Blues’ does.”
This girl’s in love with vinyl, and she’s not the only member of Generation Digital with an ear for records.
A 7 Sarah is no way an ordinary girl.
1) True


3) Not stated

2) False

3) Not stated

Sarah’s friends also enjoy her hobby.
1) True

A 11

2) False

Sarah’s granny gave all the records to her.
1) True

A 10

3) Not stated

Sarah’s hobby is collecting vinyl records.
1) True


2) False

2) False

3) Not stated

Sarah also collects phones with cords and dials.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 12 Sarah’s hobby helped her to find a job.
1) True

A 13

2) False

3) Not stated

Music of the 60-s is not meant for CDs.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A 14 iPod is a device which can show all the beauty of a guitar solo.
1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

A7 –2; A8 – 1; A9 – 3; A10 – 1; A11 – 2; A12 – 1; A13 – 1; A14 – 2.

Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on family values
Remember to say:
- what family values are most important for a happy family, why
- whether it is important to have a good family, why
- your family members and your relationship
- what household duties children should have, why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.


People these days don’t have time to meet people, but they still
_____ to have friends or even dates. The trendy new option is
_____ a Partner for the day, evening or even for the weekend
_____ to ding invitations or to get together to office. You may
also spend the whole nights out and even take a trip abroad for
the week-end or _____.
Men and ______ are using our services as it is an easer and safer way of getting a perfect Partner without _____ time. All our
Partners or normal people that _____ and qualified through our
professional staff before we add them to our portfolio. People
____ Perfect Partner Time Jobs UK for many years not only for
their looks but for their intelligence, good manners and sense of
humor. You are sure to have the _________ time possible with



Вариант № 14
Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ (A,В, СorD) для утверждений 1-7.

Since ancient times, the pyramids at Giza in Egypt have been one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. The largest of these, the Great Pyramid of Giza, or Khufu's Pyramid, is the only one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still survives today. It was the tallest building in the world for
almost 5,000 years - that is, until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.
Pharaohs, the first rulers of Egypt, built pyramids to show their power to the people. The first Pharaohs built much simpler tombs called mastabas. These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside
big enough for the coffin, the mummy of the pharaoh’s body and his treasures. Ancient Egyptians believed

that dead people still needed their bodies and treasures, such as paintings, gold and jewels, for their life after death.
Many of the pyramids were decorated inside, especially in the room where the dead pharaoh was laid. Archaeologists discovered many pictures in the tombs and mysterious writing on the walls
called hieroglyphics. Invented about 5,000 years ago, hieroglyphics
are the oldest form of writing.
They were just simple drawings of everyday things we seeand
hear. The Egyptians believed that both
the hieroglyphics and the tomb pictures were magical, which is why they painted them inside the pyramids.
When we look at the pyramids today, it is easy to see that they were built to last for a very long
time. Have you ever wondered how these great monuments were built? Many archaeologists believe that
the builders first studied the stars to decide which direction the pyramid would face, as Egyptians believed
the pharaohs would join the stars after death. Then, they built a small mastaba on the ground. Next, they
put dirt and stones all over it, leaving a tunnel to the outside. To raise the stones to the top of the pyramid,
they probably built long ramps and then rolled the stones up them.
The city of Giza is on the River Nile. The Nile was also very important in the building of the pyramids as it was used to transport the stones from far away. Granite and marble, for example, were brought
from Aswan, which is over 500km away. Many ships also brought limestone, used for the outside walls of
the pyramids, from the city of Tura, which was just across the river from Giza.
Just to give you an idea of how large the Great Pyramid is - it is the height of a modern 40-storey
building, or over 145 metres. It covers an area of land the size of seven city streets. Workers used
2,300,000 blocks to build it, each weighing 2,500 kilograms (2.5 tons). It took about 36,000 workers
(mostly slaves and farmers) between 20 and 30 years to build it. This means that for every minute they
worked, they added three blocks to the pyramid!
In conclusion, there is still a great deal of wonder and mystery surrounding the pyramids.
No one knows for certain exactly when and how they were built. So far 46 of them have been found in
Egypt,. However, maybe there are others lying underneath the sand just waiting to be discovered. Only
time will tell!
1. Khufu’s Pyramid...
E. is the world’s most popular tourist destination.
F. is the tallest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
G. was built about five thousand years ago.
H. is taller than the Eiffel Tower.
2. The mastabas...
E. were pyramids.
F. were simple places to bury dead pharaohs.
G. were bigger than pyramids.
H. contained the mothers of the pharaohs.
3. The Egyptians decorated the pyramids with
E. only hieroglyphics.
F. only pictures.
G. hieroglyphics and pictures.
H. gold and jewels
4. Which of the following is not true about hieroglyphics?
E. They are an ancient form of writing.
F. Egyptians thought they were magical.
G. They showed everyday things.
H. They are painted on the outside of pyramids.
5. The Egyptians built the pyramids ...
E. a long way from the River Nile.
F. in order to study the stars.
G. next to a mastaba.
H. using long ramps.
6. The limestone used came from ...
E. Giza.
F. the river.
G. Aswan.
H. Tura.

7. The Great Pyramid of Giza ...
E. has 40 storeys.
F. looks like a modern building.
G. took many years to build.
H. was built by 2,300,000 workers.
Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on healthy nutrition
Remember to say:
- why it is important to eat healthy food
- whether eating habits have changed in recent years, why
- whether it is good to follow a special diet, why
- what your eating preferences are, why
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.
Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск
соответствует отдельному заданию В13–В18.





There’s a lot of truth to the old ______, “Beauty is only skin
deep.” When they are in their prime, physically beautiful people often have no trouble attracting opportunities. They are
often the envy of their peers, who perceive that they live _____
lives and don’t have to deal with the problems that more ordinary-looking people do. But the cruel fact of the matter is that
a person’s appearance is always changing, and usually not for
the better. For that reason and several others, I think
a person’s _______ is ultimately much more important than
their appearance. However, that doesn’t mean that maintaining one’s appearance is not important.
Being good looking and taking pride in one’s appearance can
be very worthwhile. I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing for a
person to pay attention to their ______ and dress, particularly
when their aim is to impress someone. There’s no doubt that
being attractive and _______ will help a person get noticed
and make it more likely that they will be given that chance to
impress. Many people are turned off by those who are dirty
and ______, or obviously don’t take any pride in their appearance.




Вариант № 15

Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными
буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G – лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Coin Collecting
Numismatics, (1) _______________ and the act of collecting coins, has been going on forhundreds of
years. Numismatic coin collecting (2) ________________ as most coin collectorswere royals, nobles and
people of rich families. Today anyone and everyone can join in the wonderful hobby of coin collecting.
In ancient Roman times, Emperor Ceasar Augustus, (3) ______________ to the people asSaturnalia
gifts. Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV was presented a collection of coins byPetrarch in 1355, an Italian
scholar and poet, and (4) ______________.
Collecting coins is a very easy hobby to start and (5) ______________ and walks of life. Itdoes not
cost a lot of money and many of the supplies to get started can already be found in your home. If you are
beginning a collection with a small budget, all a person needs to start a coin collection is a box, coins and
an interest in them.
Numismatic coin collecting is a wonderful hobby for people of all ages. The amount of involvement
can be easily tailored from very basic coin collecting for kids building up to the level of a professional coin
collector. The main thing when first beginning to collect coins (6) ____________and share it with your
family and friends. They may also becomeinterested in collecting coins as a hobby.


will be enjoyed by people of all ages


was known for distributing all kinds of coins


that your kids will have for years and years


which is the study of money


is to have fun with your new hobby


was to become known as the hobby of kings


was considered to be the first Renaissance coin collector







Раздел 2. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет

Student card
Give a 1,5-2 –minute talk on teenage relationship
Remember to say:
- what problems teenagers can face
- how teenagers can cope with their problems
- whether you are a sociable person, why
- whether you’ve got any problems in your family, why/why not
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he
will ask you some questions.

Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию В4–В12.



How to Change Your _______ Name and Appearance
________ your character’s appearance, open the console by
pressing ~, which ______ in the top left corner of standard
North American keyboards. ______ showrace menu in the
console and hit Enter. This will pull up the character creation
screen that you saw when you first ______ your character.
Press the ~ again to close the console so that you can start
_______ changes.
You can change anything about your character’s appearance,
______ your gender, but you can’t change your character’s
race without _______ your stats (Magicka, Health, Stamina,
skills, and sometimes your level). When you are done, just select ‘Done’. You _______ to re-enter your character’s name
and the game will resume.



5 семестр
ЗАДАНИЕ (практическое) №1
Текст задания:
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-E частями предложений, обозначенных
цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 - лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Раздел 2. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет
Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика

Из предложенных вариантов выберите единственный верный. Ответы 1-10 занесите в

Условия выполнения задания
1. Место выполнения задания: на учебном занятии (дифференцированном зачёте) в аудитории
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20минут.
3.Оборудование: карточки с заданиями.

Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1 – 8 и текстами
A – G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В
задании есть один лишний заголовок.

Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения 1-5,выбрав правильный ответ A-D
Climate change: Scientists warn it may be too late to save the ice caps
By David Adam
New studies of Greenland and Antarctica have forced a UN expert panel to conclude there is a 50 %
chance that widespread ice sheet loss “may no longer be avoided” because of the greenhouse gases in the
Such melting would raise sea levels by four to six metres, the scientists say. It would cause “major
changes in coastline and inundation of low-lying areas” and require “costly and challenging” efforts to
move millions of people and infrastructure from vulnerable areas. The previous official line, issued in
2001, was that the chance of such an event was “not well known but probably very low”. The melting process could take centuries, but increased warming caused by a failure to cut emissions would accelerate the
ice sheets’ demise, and give nations less time to adapt to the consequences. Areas such as the Maldives
would be swamped and low-lying countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh, as well as coastal cities including London, New York and Tokyo, would face critical flooding.
This month the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published a separate study on
the science of climate change, which concluded that humans are “very likely” to be responsible for most of
the recent warming, and that average temperatures would probably increase by 4 degrees Celsius this century if emissions continue to rise. Even under its most optimistic scenario, based on a declining world population and a rapid switch to clean technology, temperatures are still likely to rise by 1.8 degrees Celsius.

1. All of the following results of the ice caps melting are mentioned in the article, EXCEPT...
A People who live in areas that are close to sea level would have to move.
В The Maldives and other low-lying areas would be flooded.
С Sea levels would raise several metres.
D Temperatures across the world will decrease.
2. What does the article say would be a result of NOT cutting emissions?
A Countries would have to move infrastructure and people located in vulnerable areas.
В There will be major changes in coastlines.
С Countries will have less time to prepare for the changes that global warming will bring.
D Temperatures would increase 1.8 degrees Celsius.
3. What was the previous official line on the potential for sea levels to rise due to global warming?
A It was going to happen, but not soon.

В It was not exactly known if or when this would happen.
С It was going to happen, but they didn’t know when.
D It had already started happening in 2001.
4. The article states all of the following about rising sea levels EXCEPT that...
A it may be inevitable.
В countries are ready in case this happens.
С coastal cities will be flooded.
D it is a result of the ice caps melting.
5. What can prevent a rise in temperatures?
A A declining world population and switching to cleaner technologies
B Nothing can be done to stop rising temperatures
C Cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions
D The preservation of the polar ice caps





6 семестр
ЗАДАНИЕ (практическое) №1

Текст задания:

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет
Раздел 2. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и переведите. Выполните лексические задания

Условия выполнения задания
1. Место выполнения задания: на учебном занятии (дифференцированном зачёте) в аудитории
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20 минут.
3.Оборудование: карточки с заданиями.

Варианты заданий

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about the Individual and Society
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.
2.1. Read and translate the text.
Natural disasters
Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays.
There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often
has a negative impact on our environment. All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature. For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking
of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they
get stuck or killed under the rubble. Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it
can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water. Flood in its turn happens when rivers
burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is
another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes. Thus,
there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.

2.2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Природные катаклизмы, землетрясения, торнадо, цунами, наводнения, природные
катастрофы, разрушать, получать ранения, тектонические плиты, природный характер, вихрь,
опасный, коснется поверхности земли или воды.

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about the weather.

You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.
2.1. Read and translate the text.
British Culture. Greeting Etiquette
When meeting someone for the first time, it is common to greet them with a firm handshake in Britain.
Verbal greetings are usually enough when meeting old friends or acquaintances. Among close friends and
family, women usually greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. If you are unsure about what to do —
especially on social occasions — the rule is to observe what other people do and go with the flow.
If you are invited to dinner or to a party in their room by one of your friends, it is a good idea not to
go empty-handed. A bottle of wine is usually enough. Though if you don't drink, don't let this dissuade you
from accepting an invitation! There are a variety of non-alcoholic drinks you can bring instead, such as
sparkling apple juice, non-alcoholic cider or wine, soft drinks, etc. Small snacks or nibbles (such as crisps,
cake and the like) are another alternative.
Similarly, if you are invited to someone's family home —especially, if this is for the first time or for
a meal, bring a small gift. If you will be dining together, then a bottle of wine is again ideal, but you could
also bring a small gift of flowers or chocolates instead. These need not be expensive, but the gesture will
be warmly welcomed. To thank your host, a phone call or ‘thank you’ card is a good idea. Remember that
in Britain you can never say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’ too often!

2.2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Принято здороваться, крепкое рукопожатие, старые друзья, знакомые, общественное место,
наблюдать, постараться делать то же самое, повод, отказаться от принятия приглашения, легкие
закуски, небольшой подарок, цветы, сказать «спасибо».

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about famous Universities and Colleges.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.
2.1. Read and translate the text.
Education in the UK.
Education in Britain is compulsory and free for all children. Primary education begins at the age of
5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. It includes three age ranges: nursery for chil-

dren under 5 years, infants from 5 to 7, and juniors from 7 to 11 years old. In nursery schools babies don’t
have real classes, they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours and letters. Besides, they
play, have lunch and sleep there. Children usually start their school education in an infant school and move
to a junior school at the age of 7.
Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years: one form
to each year. Secondary schools are generally much larger than primary ones. Pupils in England and Wales
begin studying a range of subjects stipulated under the National Curriculum. Religious education
is available in all schools, although parents have the right to withdraw their children from such classes.
About 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend fee-paying private or public schools. Most of these schools are
boarding ones, where children live as well as study. The most famous British public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.
The large majority of British schools teach both boys and girls together. But grammar schools,
which give state secondary education of a very high standard, teach boys and girls separately.
The school year in England and Wales starts in September and ends in July. In Scotland it runs from August to June and in Northern Ireland from September to June and has three terms. At 7 and 11 years old,
and then at 14 and 16 at secondary school, pupils take examinations in the core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science).
The main school examination, the General Certificate of secondary education (GCSE) examination
is taken at the age of 16. If pupils are successful, they can make their choice: they may either go to a Further Education College or a Polytechnic or they may continue their education in the sixth form. Those who
stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects
which is necessary to enter one of British universities. Universities usually select students basing on their
A-level results and an interview. After three years of study a university graduate gets the Degree of a
Bachelor of Arts, Science or Engineering. Many students then continue their studies for a Master's Degree
and then a Doctor's Degree (PhD).
2.2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Бесплатное, начальное образование, детский сад, обязательное среднее образование,
учебный год, главный школьный экзамен, семестр, основной предмет, дополнительное
образование, необходимое условие, Степень бакалавра гуманитарных, естественных или
технических наук.

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about Political system of Russia.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.
2.1. Read and translate the text.
Microsoft Company
Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.

Microsoft is best-known American company involved in software production. Microsoft's wealth and
power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of
Ford, General Motors.
Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic
software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of 80s. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft
has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.
Firstly, Microsoft released Windows '95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on
top of MS-DOS and replaced DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows '98, Windows
NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are
three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There
were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when appeared Microsoft Office XP. Microsoft is also in the
market of networking, multimedia and even books. And as an early supporter of the Macintosh computer, Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.
It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85 % of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies.
Many of the company's shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen
are billionaires. Microsoft is no doubt the fastest growing company in the PC software industry.

2.2. Answer the following questions.
1. Who founded the Company?
2. When was Microsoft founded?
3. What does the company produce?
4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?
5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?
6. Is it a rich company?
7. Does the Company dominate the PC market?

Раздел 1. Устнаяречь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about World Wide Web.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.

2.1. Read and translate the text.
Operating systems
When computers were first introduced in the 1940’s and 50’s, every program written had to provide instructions that told the computer how to use devices such as the printer, how to store information on a disk,
as well as how to perform several other tasks not necessarily related to the program. The additional program instructions for working with hardware devices were very complex, and time-consuming. Programmers soon realized it would be smarter to develop one program that could control the computer’s hardware,
which others programs could have needed it. With that, the first operating system was born.
Today, operating system control and manage the use of hardware devices such as the printer or mouse.
They also provide disk management by letting you store information system also lets you run programs
such as the basic word processor. Lastly, the operating system provides several of its own commands that
help you to use the computer.
DOS is the most commonly used PC operating system. DOS is an abbreviation for disk operating
system. DOS was developed by a company named Microsoft. MS-DOS is an abbreviation for “Microsoft
DOS”. When IBM first released the IBM PC in 1981, IBM licensed DOS from Microsoft for use on the PC
and called it PC-DOS. From the users perspective, PC-DOS and the same, each providing the same capabilities and commands.
The version of DOS release in 1981 was 1.0. Over the past decade, has undergone several changes.
Each time the DOS developers release a new version, they increase the version number.
Windows NT (new technology) is an operating system developed by Microsoft. NT is an enhanced version
of the popular Microsoft Windows 3.0, 3.1 programmers. NT requires a 386 processor or greater and 8 Mb
of RAM. For the best NT performance, you have to use a 486 processor with about 16 Mb or higher. Unlike the Windows, which runs on top DOS, Windows NT is an operating system itself. However, NT is
DOS compatible. The advantage of using NT over Windows is that NT makes better use of the PC’s
memory management capabilities.
OS/2 is a PC operating system created by IBM. Like NT, OS/2 is DOS compatible and provides a
graphical user interface that lets you run programs with a click of a mouse. Also like NT, os/2 performs
best when you are using a powerful system. Many IBM-based PCs are shipped with os2 preinstalled.
UNIX is a multi-user operating system that allows multiple users to access the system. Traditionally,
UNIX was run on a larger mini computers to which users accessed the systems using terminals and not
PC’s. UNIX allowed each user to simultaneously run the programs they desired. Unlike NT and OS/2,
UNIX is not DOS compatible. Most users would not purchase UNIX for their own use.
Windows 95 & 98 (Windows 2000) are the most popular user-oriented operating system with a interface
and multitasking capabilities. The usage of Windows 95 and its enhanced version Windows 98 is so simple
that even little kids learn how to use it very quickly. Windows 95 and 98 are DOS compatible, o all programs written for DOS may work under the new operating system.Windows 95 requires 486 processor
with 16 megabytes of RAM or Pentium 75-90 with 40 megabytes of free hard disk space.

2.2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Операционная система, письменная программа, инструкции, информационная система,
текстовый документ, графический интерфейс, позволять, запускать, щелчок мыши, собственное
использование, расширенная версия, мегабайтами свободного жесткого дискового пространства.

Раздел 1. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше выступление
рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет преподаватель.

Student card
Speak about Operating systems.
You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask
you some questions.

Раздел 2. Чтение.
2.1. Read and translate the text.
Internet Facts
The prototype for the Internet was created in the sixties by the US Defense Department. To ensure
that communication could be kept open in the event of a nuclear attack, it created a computer network
known as Arpanet — the Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
The first attempt to connect two computers and allow them to communicate with one another was
made by researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute on
20 October 1969.
The first people to coin the term 'internet' were two scientists, Vinton Cerf (known as 'father of the
Internet') and his collaborator Bob Kahn, who in 1974 devised a means by which data could be transmitted
across a global-network of computers.
An Oxford graduate, Tim Berners-Lee, set up the first 'www server' (a Server receives and sends
messages) to store the archive of the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland.
The first e-mail ever sent was in 1972 between computers in two American universities. The most
frequently used search word on the net is "sex", typed in 1,550,000 times every month.
The most mentioned male on the Internet is President Bill Clinton, whose name is linked to
1,542,790 sites.
The most mentioned female on the Internet is the actress Pamela Anderson, whose name is linked
to 1,542,282 sites.
2.2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations
Прототип, гарантия сохранения, поддерживать связь друг с другом, сотрудник, изобретать,
средство, могли быть переданы, лаборатория, первая электронная почта, поисковое слово.

2.3. Пакет экзаменатора
ЗАДАНИЕ (практическое) № 1
Текст задания:
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-E частями предложений, обозначенных
цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 - лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Раздел 2. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет
Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Из предложенных вариантов выберите единственный верный. Ответы 1-10 занесите в

Результаты освоения

Критерии оценки результата

(объекты оценки)

(в соответствии с разделом 1 «Паспорт комплекта
контрольно-оценочных средств)

- умение общаться (устно и письменно) на
иностранном языке на профессиональные и
повседневные темы; знание лексического и
грамматического минимума

Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель
общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в
заданном объеме.
интересные и оригинальные идеи; способен логично
и связно вести беседу: обучающийся соблюдает
необходимости начинает первым или поддерживает
беседу, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя.

иностранные тексты профессиональной
направленности; знание лексического и
грамматического минимума, необходимого
для чтения и перевода (со словарем)
иностранных текстов профессиональной

Информация извлечена полностью. Прослеживается
понимание логических связей слов в предложении,
причинно-следственных связей предложений,
понимание значения слов (из контекста, по
словообразовательным элементам и т.п.)
логических связей между частями текста

-умение самостоятельно совершенствовать
устную и письменную речь, пополнять
словарный запас знание лексического и
грамматического минимума, необходимого
для чтения и перевода (со словарем)
иностранных текстов профессиональной

Адекватность восприятия и обработки полученной
информации в соответствии с нормами грамматики и
стилистики английского языка Связность и
логичность текста, богатство лексического и
синтаксического варьирования Умение пользоваться
общественно-популярной лексикой

Круг рассматриваемых в тексте вопросов выявлен в
течение короткого времени

Употребление сложных грамматических конструкций
Аргументированность и логичность высказывания

Условия выполнения заданий
Время выполнения задания мин./час. _______20 минут_________________
Оборудование: __________карточки с заданиями__________________________________

Критерии оценки:
«5» - соответствует всем критериям
«4» - сделаны негрубые ошибки
«3» - сделана грубая ошибка
«2» - не выполнено.

2.3. Пакет экзаменатора
ЗАДАНИЕ (практическое) № 1
Текст задания:
Раздел 1. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-E частями предложений, обозначенных
цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 - лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Раздел 2. Устная речь
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа. Ваше
выступление рассчитано на 1,5-2 минуты. Окончание выполнения задания определяет
Раздел 3. Грамматика, лексика
Из предложенных вариантов выберите единственный верный. Ответы 1-10 занесите в

Результаты освоения

Критерии оценки результата

(объекты оценки)

(в соответствии с разделом 1 «Паспорт комплекта
контрольно-оценочных средств)

- умение общаться (устно и письменно) на
иностранном языке на профессиональные и
повседневные темы; знание лексического и
грамматического минимума

Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена:
цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в
заданном объеме. Обучающийся высказывает
интересные и оригинальные идеи;
логично и связно вести беседу: обучающийся
соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, при
необходимости начинает первым или поддерживает
беседу, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя.

иностранные тексты профессиональной
направленности; знание лексического и
грамматического минимума, необходимого
для чтения и перевода (со словарем)
иностранных текстов профессиональной

Информация извлечена полностью. Прослеживается
понимание логических связей слов в предложении,
причинно-следственных связей предложений,
понимание значения слов (из контекста, по
словообразовательным элементам и т.п.)
логических связей между частями текста

-умение самостоятельно совершенствовать
устную и письменную речь, пополнять
словарный запас знание лексического и
грамматического минимума, необходимого
для чтения и перевода (со словарем)
иностранных текстов профессиональной

Адекватность восприятия и обработки полученной
информации в соответствии с нормами грамматики
и стилистики английского языка Связность и
логичность текста, богатство лексического и
синтаксического варьирования Умение пользоваться
общественно-популярной лексикой

Круг рассматриваемых в тексте вопросов выявлен в
течение короткого времени




Аргументированность и логичность высказывания

Условия выполнения заданий
Время выполнения задания мин./час. _______20 минут_________________
Оборудование: __________карточки с заданиями__________________________________

Критерии оценки:
«5» - соответствует всем критериям
«4» - сделаны негрубые ошибки
«3» - сделана грубая ошибка
«2» - не выполнено.

КОС по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для контроля и оценки
образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной
дисциплины «Иностранный язык» по специальностям среднего профессионального
образования естественнонаучного и технического профиля.
Содержит: 1) распределение оценивания результатов обучения по видам
контроля; 2) распределение типов контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и
умений текущего контроля; 3) распределение типов и количества заданий по
элементам знаний и умений, контролируемых на промежуточной аттестации;
4) комплект оценочных средств: задания входного контроля, задания для текущего
контроля, экзаменационные вопросы; 5) результаты освоения учебной дисциплины.
Задания по дисциплине представлены следующими видами работы: опрос
(устный и фронтальный), практическая работа (переводы), тестирование, рефераты,
доклады, презентации.
Форма промежуточной аттестации – дифференцированный зачет.
Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости, промежуточной
аттестации по итогам освоения учебной дисциплины представлены в полном объеме.
Виды оценочных средств, включенных в представленный комплект,
основным принципам формирования общих и профессиональных
Комплект представляет собой в целом качественный продуманный
материал, который
структурирован в соответствии с содержанием рабочей
программы учебной дисциплины.
требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего
профессионального образования.
Разработанный и представленный для экспертизы комплект оценочных
средств рекомендуется к использованию в учебном процессе ГБПОУ «КТТ и ЖТ».



Ефремова Наталья Николаевна
Преподаватель иностранного языка ГБПОУ
«Кропоткинский медицинский колледж»
Квалификация по диплому

КОС по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для контроля и оценки
образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной
дисциплины «Иностранный язык» по специальностям среднего профессионального
образования естественнонаучного и технического профиля.
Содержит: 1) распределение оценивания результатов обучения по видам
контроля; 2) распределение типов контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и
умений текущего контроля; 3) распределение типов и количества заданий по
элементам знаний и умений, контролируемых на промежуточной аттестации;
4) комплект оценочных средств: задания входного контроля, задания для текущего
контроля, экзаменационные вопросы; 5) результаты освоения учебной дисциплины.
Задания по дисциплине представлены следующими видами работы: опрос
(устный и фронтальный), практическая работа (переводы), тестирование, рефераты,
доклады, презентации.
Форма промежуточной аттестации – дифференцированный зачет.
Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости, промежуточной
аттестации по итогам освоения учебной дисциплины представлены в полном объеме.
Виды оценочных средств, включенных в представленный комплект,
отвечают основным принципам формирования общих и профессиональных
Комплект представляет собой в целом качественный продуманный
материал, который структурирован в соответствии с содержанием рабочей
программы учебной дисциплины.
Представленный комплект оценочных средств соответствует
требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего
профессионального образования.
Разработанный и представленный для экспертизы комплект оценочных
средств рекомендуется к использованию в учебном процессе ГБПОУ «КТТ и ЖТ».


Ходотова Инна Геннадьевна
Преподаватель иностранного языка ГБПОУ
«Кропоткинский медицинский колледж»
Квалификация по диплому

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